Summer 2008 Course Schedule

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(A) A-term   (B) B-term   (AB) full term
200 A (A) READING LITERATURE O'Neill M-Th 8:30-10:40 10950
200 B (A) Reading (and Rereading) Hamlet Gillis-Bridges M-Th 12:00-2:10 10951
200 C (B) "Placing the Self" in Fiction by Women Barlow M-Th 10:50-1:00 10952
207 A (A) Introduction to Cultural Studies George M-Th 9:40-11:50 10953
213 B (B) Modern & Postmodern Literature Wacker M-Th 8:30-10:40 10954
225 A Shakespeare: Nation and Empire Mukherjee M-Th 9:40-10:40 10955
230 A(B Poisonous Novels and Their Readers: The Production and Consumption of British Literature, 1800 to present James M-Th 8:30-10:40
242 A (B) Family Romances: Reading Intimate Fictions Harkins M-Th 9:40-11:50 10956
242 B READING FICTION Peck M-Th 10:50-11:50 10957
242 C (A) The Graphic Novel Simpson M-Th 12:00-2:10 10958
281 A Intermediat Expository Writing Dillon MW 9:40-11:50 10959
281 B (B) Intermediat Expository Writing Stygall M-Th 12:00-2:10 10960
281 C (A) Intermediat Expository Writing Taylor M-Th 8:30-10:40 10961
283 A (AB) Beginning Verse Writing Seong TTh 9:40-11:20 10962
284 A (A) Beginning Short Story Writing Wong M-Th 10:50-12:20 10963
284 C (B) Beginning Short Story Writing Brower M-Th 8:30-10:10 10964
284 D Beginning Short Story Writing Abood TTh 12:00-1:40 10965
300 A “’Twas Here My Summer Paused”: Six Classics Considered Walker TTh 12:00-2:10 10967
302 A (B) Cultural Studies of the Novel: Materialism and Formalism Harkins M-Th 12:00-2:10 10968
302 B (A) The Visual World and Narratives Simpson M-Th 9:40-11:50 10969
310 A The Bible as Literature Griffith M-Th 8:30-9:30 10970
315 A (A) LITERARY MODERNISM Staten M-Th 9:40- 10971
321 A (A) Geoffrey Chaucer the Love Poet: The Early Poems Rose M-Th 10:50-1:00 10972
324 A (A) "Patronage, Print, and Authorship before 1700" Coldewey M-Th 12:00-2:10 10974
346 A (A) Studies in Short Fiction George M-Th 12:00-2:10 10981
440 A Special Studies in Literature Davis MW 7:00-9:10p 13537
477 A Children's Literature Griffith M-Th 10:50-11:50 10988
478 A (AB) Language and Social Policy Bojan TTh 10:50-1:00 13489
498 B (B) Negotiating the City Patterson M-Th 9:40- 10994

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