Summer 2009 Course Schedule

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(A) A-term   (B) B-term   (AB) full term
111 A Composition: Literature MW 9:40-11:50 10957
111 B Composition: Literature Cohen M-Th 10:50-11:50 10958
111 C (B) Composition: Literature Stygall M-Th 9:50-12:00 13548
121 A Composition: Social Issues Boyd MW 11:30-1:30 10959
131 A Composition: Exposition Casillas M-Th 8:30-9:30 10960
131 B Composition: Exposition Terry M-Th 9:40-10:40 10961
131 C Composition: Exposition Anderson M-Th 10:50-11:50 10962
131 D Composition: Exposition Sudhinaraset M-Th 10:50-11:50 10963
131 E Composition: Exposition Mahmoud M-Th 11:30-12:30 10964
131 F Composition: Exposition Lewis M-Th 11:30-12:30 10965
131 G Composition: Exposition Kelly M-Th 12:00-1:00 10966
200 A READING LITERATURE M-Th 8:30-10:40 10970
200 B (B) READING LITERATURE Burt M-Th 9:40-11:50 10971
200 C (A) READING LITERATURE Gillis-Bridges M-Th 9:40-11:50 10972
200 D "Utopian Islands" Meyer M-Th 12:00-1:00 10973
207 A (A) : Comic Books and Graphic Novels Foster M-Th 8:30-10:40 10974
212 A (A) The World Turned Upside Down Butwin M-Th 12:00-2:10 10975
213 A (A) Modern & Postmodern Literature Wacker 9:40-11:50
225 A SHAKESPEARE Gonyer-Donohue M-Th 10:50-11:50 10977
242 A (A) READING FICTION O'Neill M-Th 8:30-10:40 10978
242 B (B) "Placing the Self" in Fiction by Women Barlow M-Th 9:40-11:50 10979
242 C "Modernist Innovations" Peck M-Th 10:50-11:50 10980
242 D (A) The Graphic Novel Simpson M-Th 12:00-2:10 10981
250 A (A) Telling Stories of America George M-Th 9:40-11:50 10982
250 B (B) Cities on the Hill Patterson M-Th 9:40-11:50 10983
281 A Lives of the Great Essayists Willet M-Th 8:30-9:30 10984
281 B (A) Writing About Media Rai M-Th 9:40-11:50 10985
281 C (B) Environmental and Social Justice Rose M-Th 12:00-2:10 10986
283 A Beginning Verse Writing Barrell TTh 9:40-11:20 10987
284 A (A) Beginning Short Story Writing Wong M-Th 12:00-1:30 10988
284 C (B) Beginning Short Story Writing Corbo M-Th 10:50-12:20 10989
284 D The Bright Blank Page: Beginning Short Story Writing Brower MW 9:40-11:20 10990
302 A (A) Walter Benjamin’s Artwork essay Simpson M-Th 9:40-11:50 10992
302 B (B) Ways of Reading Patterson M-Th 12:00-2:10 10993
310 A The Bible as Literature Griffith M-Th 8:30-9:30 10994
315 A (A) LITERARY MODERNISM Staten M-Th 9:40-11:50 10995
324 A (A) Shakespeare after 1603 Streitberger M-Th 8:30-10:40 10996
349 A (A) Science Fiction and Fantasy Foster M-Th 12:00-2:10 10999
354 A The Early Modern Period. A study of American writing between WWI and WWII Griesbach MW 4:30-6:20p 13588
363 A Literature in "Place": Cityscapes Barlow 7:00-8:50p 13589
471 A (B) The Composition Process Stygall M-Th 1:00-3:10 11005
477 A Children's Literature Griffith M-Th 10:50-11:50 11006
498 A (A) SENIOR SEMINAR Coldewey M-Th 9:40-11:50 11012

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