Summer 2014 Course Schedule

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(A) A-term   (B) B-term   (AB) full term
111 A Composition: Literature Simons MW 9:40-11:50 11303
111 B Composition: Literature Helterbrand M-Th 10:50-11:50 11304
111 C Composition: Literature Smorodinsky M-Th 12:00-1:00 11305
131 A Composition: Exposition Canton M-Th 2:20-3:20 11306
131 B Composition: Exposition Bauer M-Th 9:40-10:40 11307
131 C Composition: Exposition Baros M-Th 10:50-11:50 11308
131 D Composition: Exposition Hobmeier M-Th 1:10-3:20 11309
131 E Composition: Exposition Kremen-Hicks M-Th 1:10-2:10 11310
200 A Utopian/Dystopian societies in contemporary fiction O'Neill M-Th 9:40-11:50 11311
200 B The Functions of Sex: Race and Gender in American Literature Morse M-Th 10:50-1:00 11312
200 C Reading Literary Forms Simpson M-Th 12:00-2:10 11313
200 D Literatures of Faith and Doubt Arteaga M-Th 11:30-12:30 11314
200 E Reading Literary Forms Kelly M-Th 12:00-2:10 11315
207 A Introduction to Cultural Studies Cummings M-Th 12:00-2:10 11316
210 A Medieval England: Chivalry, Faith and the Plague Remley M-Th 9:40-11:50 11317
213 A Modern & Postmodern Literature Gillis-Bridges M-Th 10:50-1:00 11318
225 A SHAKESPEARE Butwin M-Th 9:40-11:50 11319
242 A Read Prose Fiction Hernandez M-Th 9:40-11:50 11320
242 B Read Prose Fiction Hansen M-Th 12:00-2:10 11321
242 C The Doppelgänger in Literature Campbell M-Th 10:50-11:50 11322
242 D Family Romances: Reading Intimate Fictions Harkins M-Th 9:40-11:50 11323
242 E Read Prose Fiction Staten M-Th 12:00-2:10 11324
243 A Reading and Writing Poetry Across Borders Matthews M-Th 12:00-2:10 11325
281 A Intermediat Expository Writing Rai M-Th 9:40-11:50 11328
281 B Intermediat Expository Writing Simmons-O'Neill M-Th 10:50-1:00 11329
283 A Beginning Verse Writing Feld M-Th 9:40-11:20 11331
284 A Beginning Short Story Writing Scowcroft M-Th 12:00-1:30 11333
284 F Beginning Short Story Writing Wong MW 2:00-3:50 11335
302 A Critical Practice Cummings M-Th 9:40-11:50 11336
309 A Theories of Reading Hansen TTh 7:00-8:50p 11337
309 B Theories of Reading Hansen TTh 7:00-8:40p 14519
310 A The Bible as Literature Griffith M-Th 8:30-9:30 11338
324 A Shakespeare after 1603 Streitberger M-Th 9:40-11:50 11342
346 A Studies in Short Fiction George M-Th 12:00-2:10 11345
348 A Studies in Popular Culture Simpson M-Th 9:40-11:50 11346
422 A Arthurian Legends Remley M-Th 12:00-2:10 11353
471 A The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Stygall M-Th 3:30-5:20 11354
487 A SCREENWRITING Wong MW 12:00-1:40 11357

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