Summer 2024 Course Schedule

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(A) A-term   (B) B-term   (AB) full term
111 A (FULL) Composition: Literature M-Th 11:30-12:30 11272
131 B (FULL) Composition: Exposition Butler M-Th 2:20-3:20 11274
200 A (A) Reading Literary Forms Moore Online 11275
204 A (A) Popular Fiction and Media Wacker Online 11277
206 A (A) Rhetoric in Everyday Life Pollak Online 11278
207 A (A) Introduction to Cultural Studies Gillis-Bridges Online 11279
242 A (A) Read Prose Fiction Matthews M-Th 1:10-3:20 11280
281 A (A) Intermediat Expository Writing Isaac M-Th 1:10-3:20 11281
281 B (B) Intermediat Expository Writing Bou Ayash Online 11282
281 C (A) Intermediat Expository Writing Wacker Online 11283
288 A (A) Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Lamptey Online 11284
288 B (A) Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Holstrom Online 11285
289 A (A) BUSINESS WRITING Walwema Online 11286
295 A (Full) Study Abroad Online 11287
296 A (A) Critical Literacy in the Natural Sciences Macarthy Online 11288
325 A (B) Early Modern English Literature Streitberger Online 11290
349 A (A) Science Fiction and Fantasy Norako M-Th 9:40-11:50 11291
395 A (Full) Study Abroad ARR 11292
491 A (FULL) Internship ARR 11293
492 A (FULL) Advanced Expository Writing Conference ARR 11294
493 A (FULL) Advanced Creative Writing Conference ARR 11295

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