Autumn 2024 Course Schedule

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200 A Reading Literary Forms M-Th 9:30-10:20 14895
200 B Reading Literary Forms M-Th 10:30-11:20 14896
200 C Reading Literary Forms M-Th 11:30-12:20 14897
200 D Reading Literary Forms M-Th 12:30-1:20 14898
200 E Reading Literary Forms M-Th 1:30-2:20 14899
200 F Reading Literary Forms MW 12:30-2:20 14900
202 A Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature Burstein MWF 10:30-11:20 14903
202 AA Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature M 9:30-10:20 14904
202 AB Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature M 12:30-1:20 14905
202 AC Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature W 11:30-12:20 14906
202 AD Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature W 2:30-3:20 14907
202 AE Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature F 11:30-12:20 14908
202 AF Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature F 1:30-2:20 14909
204 A Popular Fiction and Media MW 12:30-2:20
206 A Rhetoric in Everyday Life Walwema MW 9:30-11:20 14910
208 A Data and Narrative Gillis-Bridges TTh 12:30-2:20 14911
210 A Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600 Remley TTh 2:30-4:20 14912
211 A Literature, 1500-1800 TTh 10:30-12:20 14913
225 A SHAKESPEARE Knight MW 1:30-2:50 14914
225 AA SHAKESPEARE F 1:30-2:20 14915
225 AB SHAKESPEARE F 2:30-3:20 14916
242 A Read Prose Fiction TTh 11:30-1:20 14917
242 B Read Prose Fiction Block MWF 12:30-1:20 23340
243 A Reading Poetry Staten TTh 12:30-2:20 14919
244 A Reading Drama Webster MW 10:30-12:20 14920
250 A American Literature Radocay MW 12:30-2:20 14921
257 A Asian American Literature Ishii MW 3:30-5:20 14922
259 A Literature and Social Difference Wong TTh 10:30-12:20 14924
266 A Literature and Technology TTh 12:30-2:20 14925
281 A Intermediat Expository Writing MW 10:30-12:20 14927
281 B Intermediat Expository Writing TTh 1:30-3:20 14928
281 E Intermediat Expository Writing MW 12:30-2:20 14930
281 F Intermediat Expository Writing MW 1:30-3:20 14931
281 G Intermediat Expository Writing TTh 10:30-12:20 14932
281 H Intermediat Expository Writing MW 1:30-3:20 14933
281 I Intermediat Expository Writing MW 12:30-2:20 14934
282 A Intermediate Multimodal Composition TTh 10:30-12:20 14935
282 B Intermediate Multimodal Composition MW 1:30-3:20 14936
282 C Intermediate Multimodal Composition MW 12:30-2:20 14937
282 D Intermediate Multimodal Composition TTh 12:30-2:20 14938
282 E Intermediate Multimodal Composition MW 10:30-12:20 14939
283 A Beginning Verse Writing MW 1:30-2:50 14940
283 B Beginning Verse Writing TTh 1:30-2:50 14941
283 C Beginning Verse Writing TTh 9:00-10:20 14942
284 A Beginning Short Story Writing MW 10:30-11:50 14943
284 B Beginning Short Story Writing MW 1:30-2:50 14944
288 A Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Holstrom TTh 9:30-11:20 14946
288 B Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Holstrom MW 2:30-4:20 14947
288 D Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Lamptey TTh 2:30-4:20 14948
288 E Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing TTh 8:30-10:20 14949
288 F Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing Walwema MW 4:30-6:20p 14950
288 G Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing TTh 4:30-6:20p 23692
295 A Study Abroad ARR 14952
296 A Critical Literacy in the Natural Sciences MW 3:30-5:20 14953
296 B Critical Literacy in the Natural Sciences TTh 3:30-5:20 14954
297 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities MW 2:30-4:20 14955
297 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Humanities MWF 10:30-11:20 14956
298 A Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences TTh 11:30-12:50 14958
298 B Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences MWF 1:30-2:20 14959
298 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences TTh 3:30-4:50 14960
298 E Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences MWF 12:30-1:20 14961
298 F Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Matthews TTh 2:30-3:50 14962
298 G Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences Isaac MW 10:30-12:20 23598
298 H Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Social Sciences WF 10:30-12:20 23602
299 C Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences MW 10:30-11:50 14964
299 D Advanced Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Sciences MWF 11:30-12:20 14965
302 A Critical Practice Harkins MW 12:30-2:20 14966
302 B Critical Practice Taylor TTh 9:30-11:20 14967
304 A History of Literary Criticism and Theory II Staten MW 11:30-1:20 14969
306 A Introduction to Rhetoric Rai MW 9:30-11:20 23309
313 A Modern European Literature in Translation MW 1:30-3:20 14971
316 A Postcolonial Literature and Culture Rodriques TTh 3:30-5:20 14972
318 A Black Literary Genres Cole MW 12:30-2:20 14973
320 A English Literature: The Middle Ages Remley TTh 11:30-1:20 14974
325 A Early Modern English Literature Streitberger TTh 10:30-12:20 14976
335 A English Literature: The Age of Victoria LaPorte TTh 12:30-2:20 14977
348 A Studies in Popular Culture TTh 3:30-5:20 14978
359 A Contemporary American Indian Literature Radocay MW 9:30-11:20
370 A English Language Study Sánchez-Martín TTh 12:30-2:20 14980
373 A History of the English Language MW 1:30-3:20 14981
381 A Advanced Expository Writing Liu TTh 10:30-12:20 14982
382 A Special Topics in Multimodal Composition MW 10:30-12:20 14985
382 B Special Topics in Multimodal Composition TTh 1:30-3:20 14986
383 A The Craft of Verse MW 3:30-4:50 14987
384 A The Craft of Prose TH 4:30-7:20p 14984
387 A Screenwriting Wong TTh 1:30-3:20 14986
395 A Study Abroad ARR 14995
452 A Topics in American Literature Foster TTh 12:30-2:20 14996
471 A The Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing Bawarshi MW 2:30-4:20 14997
483 A Advanced Verse Workshop Feld MW 1:30-2:50 14998
491 A Internship Gillis-Bridges ARR 15000
491 B Internship Gillis-Bridges ARR 15001
492 A Advanced Expository Writing Conference TTh 15002
493 A Advanced Creative Writing Conference F 15003
494 A Honors Seminar Ishii MW 12:30-2:20 15004
494 B Honors Seminar Chrisman TTh 2:30-4:20 15005

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