
Citizen Consumers: towards a new marketing of politics?
Margaret Scammell
London School of Economics and Political Science

Margaret Scammell's chapter on political marketing and consumer citizens is scheduled to appear in a forthcoming book by John Corner and Dick Pels (eds.).

New Media Power: The Internet and Global Activism
W. Lance Bennett

Conventional wisdom suggests that resource-poor activists are often excluded from or stigmatized in public discourse by mass media coverage. This analysis indicates that digital media channels offer activists new paths both for internal and public communication. New media themselves are not an explanation for these forms of empowerment through communication. Rather, it is important to understand how the identity processes and inclusive politics common to many activists in the democratic globalization movement lead to particular kinds of new media applications.

Communicating Global Activism
W. Lance Bennett
Department of Political Science, University of Washington

Globalization has changed societies and the ways in which people think about and communicate politics. This paper explores properties of global activist communication and examines their implications for political organization and change.

Branded Political Communication
W. Lance Bennett
Department of Political Science, University of Washington

Explores the transformation of public roles in global societies as citizens increasingly see their consumer activities as political. Includes examples of logo campaigns that attach political messages to household brands.