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Lidstrom Lab

UW graduate school

Dept. of Microbiology

Dept. of Chemical Engineering

Molecular Cellular Biology program

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Prospective Students

Enroll in our courses (For junior, senior undergraduate and graduate students)
Depending on your purpose and interests, there are various ways you can participate in our project. If you are interested in learning about biology, you may choose one of our courses in the majored offered. We offer courses in three engineering majors with the corresponding focus in Electrical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering respectively.

Participate in undergraduate research
On of the goal of this project is to promote biology research among engineering students and to train future researchers in the boundary between biology and engineering. If you are an undergraduate student and intend to explore research opportunities, please visit Lidstrom Lab website or contact us.

Being a graduate student in the Lidstrom Lab
The Lidstrom Lab attracts students who have a strong interests in the field as well as enthusiasm to research. The student body at the lab is highly multi-disciplinary and highly international.

In the lab, we are committed to applying modern molecular techniques to various bacteria with the end goal of solving applied industrial problems, in addition to basic research into the metabolic processes and genetics of these bacteria. Our research is directed toward manipulating these bacteria at the genetic and metabolic level so that they may be used in these industrial processes.

Graduate studies are performed of under the aegis of two academic departments, Microbiology and Chemical Engineering, at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington. We are also part of the Molecular Cellular Biology program, an interdisciplinary Ph.D. program, and interact with the Bioengineering graduate program as well.

If you are interested, please visit Lidstrom Lab website for details about our research and the UW graduate school for application information.

Current Students

For course materials, syllabus, and schedules, click here for further links to the class websites.

For science songs, please click here

For UW registration, please click here

For contact information, please click here

To watch the CD presentation, directly click here




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