20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium

Image result for UW Seattle Undergraduate Research SymposiumImage result for UW Seattle Undergraduate Research Symposium

Dear Students,

The application for the 20th Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium is now open!  The Sym­po­sium will be held on May 19, 2017 in Mary Gates Hall.

The Symposium is a celebration of undergraduate accomplishments in research, scholarship, and creative expression in all academic disciplines.  Students may present their research either in a poster, an oral presentation session, or in a performing arts or visual arts and design session. Last year, over 1,000 students participated in this exciting event.

To learn more and start an appli­ca­tion, visit the Under­grad­u­ate Research Sym­po­sium sec­tion of the URP web­site. All UW under­grad­u­ates involved in research are encour­aged to apply. The appli­ca­tion dead­line is Feb­ru­ary 13, 2017.

Inter­ested stu­dents are also encour­aged to attend one of our upcom­ing Sym­po­sium Info Sessions and to register for one of our Abstract Writ­ing Work­shops to assist you with your application. The first Information Session is Tuesday, January 10, 12:30-1:20 PM.

Not yet involved in research? Vol­un­teer or stop by on the day of the event to learn more about the research that UW under­grads are par­tic­i­pat­ing in, from projects in syn­thetic chem­istry to new ideas in the realm of dance.

If you have any questions, contact urp@uw.edu.

P.S. You need not have results of your research by the February application deadline – In fact, most students will not have results until May. Come to an Abstract Writing Workshop to learn more about how you can write a compelling abstract for your in-process project!

Career Center seeking volunteers for Internship Fair (Feb. 16th, 2017)

Image result for UW Seattle 2017 Internship Fair

Dear Huskies,

Happy 2017 and happy first day of winter quarter! The Career and Internship Center is looking to recruit volunteers for the upcoming 2017 Internship Fair on Thursday, February 16th, 2017 from 2-6pm in HUB Ballrooms. We have shifts available from 8am-7pm, with a minimum time commitment of 2 hours.

Why volunteer?

  • The Internship Fairis one of the best ways to network with employers. We will have over 80 employers on campus attending this event. As a volunteer, you’ll have unparalleled access with employers in attendance- and they’re all hiring!
  • If you need to fulfill volunteer hour requirements, look no further! Complete your hours with flexible shifts at this high-energy event.
  • Interested in Event Planning? As a volunteer, you’ll have the chance to work closely with our center’s Events Team. Learn the ins and outs about planning events, then put it on your resume!
  • It’s fun, a great opportunity to work with your peers and to make new friends. FREE FOOD will be provided!!

Interested? Please send Donna Chen an email at ccsevent@uw.edu with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your hours of availability on the day of  2/16/17 (Thursday)


Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to volunteer at the Internship Fair! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Chen at ccsevent@uw.edu.

Udall Scholarship and Internship – Apply now!

Image result for udall undergraduate scholarship

There is still time for sophomores and juniors to apply for the Udall Scholarship! The Udall Foundation offers a $7,000 scholarship for undergraduate sophomores and juniors in any major seeking careers in:

  • environmental fields, and
  • American Indian and Alaska Native students seeking careers in Tribal Public Policy or Native Health Care.

Applicants who are leading change on campus or in their communities are strongly encouraged to apply! Please feel free to share the information below widely. 

UW Seattle campus application due January 8! UW Seattle campus application is available at: https://expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/441.

Details about eligibility, the Seattle campus application process and online application form are available at http://expd.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/udall.

The Udall Undergraduate Scholarship is a $7,000 scholarship awarded to 60 undergraduate sophomores and juniors pursuing careers related to the environment, or pursuing careers related to Tribal Public Policy or Native Health Care. Udall Scholars get to attend the Udall Scholar Orientation in August, meet alumni and community leaders for exceptional networking opportunities, and gain lifetime membership to a growing and active alumni network. For more information and to sign up for informational webinars, visit http://udall.gov/OurPrograms/Scholarship/Scholarship.aspx.

The Udall Foundation asks universities to nominate students to compete at the national level. Each UW campus is able to nominate up to 4 candidates in the environmental category and up to 4 candidates in the Tribal Public Policy and/or Native Health Care categories.

UW campus contacts for students interested in the Udall Scholarships:


The Udall Foundation also offers the Native American Congressional Internship: This ten-week summer internship in Washington, D.C., is for American Indian and Alaska Native students who wish to learn more about the federal government and issues affecting Indian country. The internship is fully funded: the Udall Foundation provides round-trip airfare, housing, per diem for food and incidentals, and a stipend at the close of the program. View the application and sign up for free webinars. Please also visit udall.gov to see what some of the alumni are up to now. Students are welcome to apply directly to the Udall Foundation for this opportunity, though the Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards is happy to be a resource for support and feedback on application drafts! Deadline: post-marked or emailed by January 31, 2017. Join the Udall Foundation on Facebook, where they share application tips and alumni share job announcements: Native Education @ Udall Foundation.