Mortar Board Alumni / Tolo Foundation: Scholarship

Mortar Board Alumni / Tolo Foundation

The Mortar Board Alumni/Tolo Foundation Scholarships application is now available, due March 3, 2017. These scholarships are open to UW sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students in all fields of study, including pre-majors! (Additional information below.)

Questions about this scholarship and application process can be directed to

Information about this scholarship is also posted within our database of scholarships at

First Year Programs is currently recruiting for our First-year Interest Group (FIG) Leader and Orientation Leader (OL) student positions!

Image result for summer orientation leaders UW FYP

First Year Programs is currently recruiting for our First-year Interest Group (FIG) Leader and Orientation Leader (OL) student positions!

The FIG program is looking for students from all departments who are UW-Seattle undergraduates with strong organizational skills (i.e., not over-committed), and a genuine interest in working with freshmen as they face the challenges and opportunities presented to them as new students.   For more information please attend one of our information sessions listed below or email

Orientation Leaders play a vital role in the orientation process, working closely with new students and their families on a wide variety of topics including academics, student involvement, housing options, and more. Orientation Leaders work during summer quarter and are paid 30-40/hrs per week.   Please email us at or come to one of the information sessions below with any questions.

Leadership in FYP Workshops: (All workshops will be held in MGH 120)

  • Thursday 1/5 -3:30pm-4:30pm
  • Friday 1/6 – 9:30am-10:30am
  • Monday 1/9 – 4:00pm-5:00pm
  • Wednesday 1/11 – 3:30pm-4:30pm
  • Thursday 1/19 – 2:30pm-3:30pm

Applications are available online at by 5:00pm on December 12th.  The application deadline is Tuesday, January 23rd by 8:00am.

Winter quarter seminar: Race and Equity Leadership: Interrupting Privilege

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Race and Equity Leadership: Interrupting Privilege

Prof. Ralina Joseph

Winter 2017

Most discussions of inequality focus on violence, disproportionality, and discrimination.  But what about the concept of privilege?  How does privilege – in terms of race, gender, sexuality, and citizenship status – shore up inequality?

This seminar engages questions of privilege through the Graduate School’s yearlong public lecture and workshop series on “Privilege.”  Students – at times with UW alums – will meet weekly to read and discuss the scholarship and activism of the 2016-17 public lecturers, or attend the lectures and workshops themselves, which in the Winter quarter includes UCLA’s education professor Pedro Noguera on inequalities in educational achievements, and UW’s Joy Williamson-Lott on the history of oppression, privilege and education.


GEN ST 197, Section H (SLN 15057) First Year Students

GEN ST 297, Section K (SLN 15072)

Mondays 5:30-6:50pm

CMU 243

1 Credits- Credit/No Credit