Today! EVERYBODY Every Body Fashion Show 2015!

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Everybody every body


Digital Storytelling and Global Citizenship (General Studies 349; SLN 14543)

Digital Storytelling and Global Citizenship (General Studies 349; SLN 14543)

We live in a globalized world. In this class you’ll explore concepts of global leadership, think critically about what others are doing to make a difference, and develop your skills and understanding of what it means to lead and to work in a team. The course is designed so each team includes exchange students from Waseda University in Japan and resident UW students.


This exploration of global leadership is done by working in small teams to create a 3-5 minute digital story about an issue they share a passion around. (No previous experience with digital movie making is required!) Stories should reflect knowledge gained from interviews with people dedicated to working on the issue, personal understandings and experiences from members of the storytelling team, and concepts of service and leadership explored throughout the course. The course will conclude with a public viewing of the Digital Stories held in a theater on the UW campus.


This three-credit seminar course is offered on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:20PM; a weekly one hour lab is also required (Tuesdays from 2:30-3:20 or 5:30-6:20). Request an add code by emailing


Are Do-Gooders Doing Good?

Are Do-Gooders Doing Good? Critical Perspectives on Civic Engagement (General Studies 348A; SLN 14542)

Are you committed to giving back? Trying to make a difference? Want to get more out of your volunteer experience?  During Spring Quarter, we invite you to join in a critical reflection on what it means to “do good”.

General Studies 348 will offer a hands-on opportunity to explore the concept of civic engagement.  Students will critically reflect on their own service experiences through the lens of academic theories, engage with principles of community work, and learn from the experiences of community leaders.  The course will draw heavily on students’ involvement in service and will weave these together with elements of other academic coursework and future academic/career goals.

The course has a required service-learning component; students are encouraged to utilize current service commitments toward this requirement, though individualized support will be offered to those looking for a service opportunity.  This is a three-credit course that is offered as credit/no credit.  Sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:20PM in Mary Gates Hall.

Those interested in the course should email with questions and/or to request an add code.