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June Community Forum: Open Mind and Giving Back

Last week Sunday, June 19th, 2016. We were honored to have Mr. Key Donn (唐克先生) as a speaker of our monthly community forum.


Mr. Donn, a first-generation Chinese American, was born in Nanking, China and grown up in Taiwan. Key received his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Chung-Yuan Christian College in Taiwan, 1971 and an MBA in Information Management from City University in Seattle, 1993. Key also worked toward his MS in Computer Science from California State University in Fullerton, California during 1978 -1980 period.

2.picAs a Senior System Architect in BCA CAS BDS System Domain Architecture supporting Toolbox and Material Management IT, Mr. Donn is responsible for infrastructure performance and capacity planning for both programs. His efforts and achievements have earned him multiple awards in the past several years.

Mr. Donn has worked on a diverse range of assignments in Boeing’s defense and commercial airplane business units in the past 31 years, including the first Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) in Fabrication Division and the first Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) delivery for NATO Midterm project. Key retired on April 25th, 2015 after 35 years in Boeing. Continue reading June Community Forum: Open Mind and Giving Back

Mr. Yao-Chung Hwang 黃耀鐘先生

Oral History Interview of Mr. Yao-Chung Hwang

The Oral History Interview of Mr. Yao-Chung Hwang (黃耀鐘先生) was taken on May. 19th 2016, at East Asia Library 華大東亞圖書館. Mrs. Agnes Lee (吳宗鳳女士) worked as the interviewer and Miss Danniya Ai (艾丹妮娅小姐) worked as the photographer.


Narrator Mr. Yao-Chung Hwang (受訪人黃耀鐘先生)


Interviewer Agnes Lee and Mr. Yao-Chung Hwang

