Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw 蕭成美先生

Oral History Interview of Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw


The Oral History Project Team is pleased to announce that the interview of Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw (蕭成美先生) was completed on July 21th, 2017 at the narrator’s residence. Mr. Peter Lin (林博智先生) & Mrs. Yeen-Mei Wu (吳燕美女士) worked as the interviewers, and Ms. Juan Luo (羅娟女士) worked as the photographer.

Photos 061

Narrator Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw


Photos 034

Interview of Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw by Mrs. Yeen-Mei Wu & Mr. Peter Lin


Photos 040

Narrator Mr. Cheng-Mei Shaw (Middle), Mrs. Yeen-Mei Wu & Mr. Peter Lin
