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May Community Forum: My Homeland on Song Hua Jiang 我的家在松花江上

Last week Sunday, May, 15th, 2016. We were honored to have Prof. Jianhua Wang (王建華教授) as a speaker of our monthly community forum. 2.pic

Dr. Wang Answers Questions from the Audience

Francis C. Wang was born in April of 1937 in the Rockefellers Memorial Hospital, Beijing, China. In June of 1949, he came to Taiwan with his family after fleeing the Chinese mainland as the result of a complete defeat of the Nationalists by the Chinese Communists in a civil war. He graduated from National Cheng-Kung University in 1960 with a BS in Transportation Management. In 1962 he came to America as a student. In the next 10 years he worked hard to get an education in Electrical Engineering. Eventually in 1972 he obtained a Ph. D from University of Minnesota.

From 1972 through 1990 he worked in industry and the companies he worked for included Bell Telephone Laboratories and the Boeing Company. For the following 25 years of his career, he became an educator at several universities as a professor, department head, dean, and president. After retirement in 2002 when reaching 65 years of age, he continued to teach part time at various Universities in the Puget Sound area and currently teaches in the EE Department at University of Washington. He also leads an active extracurricular life. His major writings and publications include: Digital Circuit Testing: A Guide to DFT and Other Technique, ISBN: 0-12-734580-9 and other articles on the subjects of testing and metrology.


Dr.Shen Introduces Dr.Wang’s Talk


TECO Director General Chin introduces Dr. Wang’s Talk


華大東亞圖書館 「社區論壇」Sunday May 15th, 3pm-4pm at EAL 3F



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Mrs. Maria Koh

Oral History Interview of Mrs. Maria Koh

The Oral History Interview of Mrs. Maria Koh (李保馨) was taken on Mar.15th and May 4th, 2016, at Mrs. Koh’s resident. Dr. Zhijia Shen(沈志佳館長) worked as the interviewer and Miss Danniya Ai(艾丹妮娅小姐) worked as the photographer.


Narrator Mrs. Maria Koh

Interview of Mrs. Maria Koh by Dr. Zhijia Shen



April Community Forum: LanTing Xu (Orchid Pavilion Preface) Chinese Calligraphy淺介《蘭亭序》及自白

Last week Sunday, April, 17th, 2016. We were honored to have Mr. Yulin Shen (沈玉麟先生) as a speaker of our monthly community forum.


        With his family origin from Anhui, Shen was born in Kaifeng, Henan, China in 1928,  spent his childhood in Shanghai and Nanjing. Since the War of Resistance against Japanese in 1937 he and his family were exiled to Chongqing, Chengdu Sichuan. He graduated at Jiaotong University Shanghai, major in shipbuilding and minor in art, in 1949. Retired from Xingang Shipyard Tianjin in 1988,  and studied as a graduate student at SIT NJ USA in 1989.  He learned oil painting at UW art school in 1995 , and has been teaching “Chinese Culture and Calligraphy ”  at Experimental College UW since 2005.  From his books you will see his interest from travel, poem, sketch, painting, and calligraphy. As educated professionals, his family suffered terribly during China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 70s.  


      沈玉麟,祖籍安徽,1928年生在河南開封,3月後遷移上海,南京。 1937年抗日戰爭流亡四川重慶,成都。 1949年上海交大造船系畢業,1988年天津塘沽新港船廠退休. 1989年自費留學來美在新澤西斯地文思理工學院進修一年,1995年西雅圖華大美院學習油畫,2005年至今在華大實驗學院教中國書法。

3.pic       《蘭亭序》是公元353年中國書法大師王羲之的傳世傑作,可惜原作被皇帝唐太宗偷盜葬於墓中 。現在只留下模仿原作的仿製品。人們還可以到浙江紹興的蘭亭參觀王羲之的故居。那裡有“鵝池” ,“碑亭” 以及12位書法家仿王羲之寫的《蘭亭序》碑帖石刻 。

中國文化,千姿百態, 巴黎大學熊秉明說只有書法獨領風騷,畢加索也說中國書法早就是抽象藝術。希望除了舌尖,更有筆尖上的中國文化在世界傳播。

華大東亞圖書館 四月「社區論壇」UW East Asia Library Community Forum

We are pleased to announce our upcoming community forum on Sunday, April 17th, 3-4 pm at UW East Asia Library. It is our great honor this time to invite Mr. Yulin Shen to talk about “The Lantingji Xu (蘭亭序)” and share his own lifetime story. 

Mr.Shen is an accomplished painter who works in oils primarily, but also in pastels, watercolor and traditional Chinese ink calligraphy. Mr.Shen’s painting style is primarily vividly-colored impressionistic oils, his work shows the Mid Century Modernist influence as well. His subjects are China, Europe, The Seattle area in the US, the human figure, family and friends. Accompanying the rich color photos of his paintings, are text vignettes in Chinese and English.

Teacher Shen has lived a very interesting life! He was born in the Shanghai area, and spent his early childhood in Nanking. His family fortunately had the means to flee when the Japanese invaded in 1937. As educated professionals, his family suffered terribly during China’s Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 70s. At the age of 60, he decided to emigrate to the US, and he’s been here over twenty years now, working and painting.

Please join in us on Sunday, April 17th at 3pm at UW East Asia Library (Gowen Hall 3F), refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

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