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March Community Forum: The Da Vinci Code in Chinese Language 中文的達文西密碼

Last week Sunday, March, 20th, 2016. We were honored to have Mr. Shiang Yu Lee (李湘渝) as a speaker of our monthly community forum.


Shiang Yu Lee(李湘渝) graduated in Mechanical Engineering from National Taiwan University and has his Master and Ph. D. Degrees both accredited from University of Delaware in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Before joining Boeing, Dr. Lee had engaged in teaching and research at University of Iowa, Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology in Taiwan and Wichita State University.

李湘渝博士 2006年從波音退休; 多年從事工程,國際訊息標準的發展,是ATA2100 CSDD (Common Support Data Dictionary) database schema的主要設計者。臺大機械工程系本科畢業博碩士 ,在進入波音工作之前,李先生在University of Iowa,University of Delaware,臺灣中山大學科技研究所 及 Wichita State University任教。李先生在應用機械學、數學方面研究造詣深厚,擁有美國和其他國家專利多項美國航天航空學會資深會員,在學會發表大量關于飛機翅膀 研究成果, 最近一項將在今年6月發表。IMG_4042

Dr. Shiang Yu Lee retired from the Boeing Company as an Information Architect in 2006. In addition to basic engineering work, he has involved with extensive industry and international information standards development efforts and was the primary designer for the acclaimed ATA2100 CSDD (Common Support Data Dictionary) database schema.


Next month, Sunday, April. 17th, 2016. We will be hosting another Community Forum, starting at 3:00 pm. Please feel free to join us in another great speech!

華大東亞圖書館 三月「社區論壇」UW East Asia Library Community Forum

           We are pleased to announce our upcoming community forum on Sunday, March 20th, 3-4 pm at UW East Asia Library. It is our great honor this time to invite Mr. Shiang Yu Lee to talk about “The Da Vinci Code in Chinese Language” This presentation is intended to  explore the deep meaning of several Chinese words from their original symbols and constituents. Specifically, the relationships to religion and philosophy are investigated. Dr. Shiang Yu Lee retired from the Boeing Company as an Information Architect in 2006. In addition to basic engineering work, he has involved with extensive industry and international information standards development efforts and was the primary designer for the acclaimed ATA2100 CSDD (Common Support Data Dictionary) database schema.

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Feburary Community Forum: An Eyewitness Report of The 2.28 Incident

Last week Sunday, Feb, 21st, 2016. We were honored to have Mr. Peter Lin (林博智) as a speaker of our monthly community forum.IMG_6276 (1)

Peter Lin (林博智) was born in 1934 near Tainan, Taiwan, as a Japanese because Taiwan was then occupied by Japan. His family moved to  Shanghai when he was six years old. Through his English studies after his family returned to Taiwan in 1946 and his later life experiences once he came to the U.S in 1960, he continued to focus on building relationships through involvement with the United Church of Christ churches, serving as a local leader in the UCC and American Citizens League (TACL), organizing events with other Asian American minority groups to coordinate their political actions. Even Peter’s decision to study law after coming to  the U.S stemmed from his desire to help people and give back to society. As an eyewitness of 2.28 incident, he spoke about what he saw and remember about the 2.28 incident. The incident influenced many Taiwanese against the Kuo-Ming Tan.IMG_6279 (2)

Special Guest: Woei Ren Chen was born in 1939 in Lodung, I-Lan. Mr. Chen earned his Master of Divinity at Yale University Divinity School in 1968, and received his M.L.S at University of Pittsburgh, School of Library and Information Science in 1969. As an eyewitness of 2.28 incident, he made a impressive eyewitness report for at the forum.

IMG_6247UW East Asia Library Director Zhijia Shen Introduces Mr. Lin and Mr. Chen

Q&A Session: Mr. Lin answers the audiences’ questions
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Special Guest Mr. Chen makes his eyewitness report

Next month, Sunday, March. 20th, 2016. We will be hosting another Community Forum, starting at 3:00 pm. Please feel free to join us in another great speech!

Mr. Sen-Poy Chew

Oral History Interview of Mr. Sen-Poy Chew

The Oral History Interview of Mr. Sen-Poy Chew (趙善培) was taken on Jan.25th 2016, at The Lung Kong Tin Yee Association 龍岡親義公所. Mr. David Chow (周步岳) worked as the interviewer and Miss Stephanie Chang (張瀞云小姐) worked as the photographer.


Narrator Mr. Sen-Poy Chew


Interview of Mr. Sen-Poy Chew by Mr. David Chow


Producer Stephanie Chang, Narrator Mr. Sen-Poy Chew
口述者趙善培先生,錄像Stephanie Chang ((張瀞云小姐)