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Defying the Fate: the Story of a Chinese Immigrant

Dr. Shouan Pan

We were honored to have Dr. Shouan Pan as the featured speaker of our community forum on April 15th. Born and raised in Mainland China, Dr. Shouan Pan is the current chancellor Seattle College, is a veteran community college educator of over 25 years.

Not only born into a deprived Chinese family, Shouan was once predicted “not
amounting to anything” in life because of the political circumstances he and his
family faced. After immigrating to the United Stated in 1985, he has completed
graduate education and devoted his life to the mission of America’s community colleges.

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Mr. James C. Tsai 蔡敬仁先生

Oral History Interview of Mr. James C. Tsai


The Oral History Interview of Mr. James C. Tsai (蔡敬仁先生) was taken on April 9, 2018, at Bellevue, WA.
Mr. Peter Lin (林博智先生) and Ms.Yeen-Mei Wu (吳燕美女士) worked as the interviewers and Ms. Juan Luo (羅娟小姐) worked as the Producer.

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Narrator Mr. James C. Tsai and Interviewers Mr. Peter Lin and Ms.Yeen-Mei Wu