Category Archives: Promotion

About Oral History Interview

Interviews may take place on the UW campus or at the narrator’s home. (Narrator is the term used by oral historians for the person being interviewed.) An interview session will typically last two hours and there may be multiple sessions as needed. At the beginning of each interview, the oral historian will take three photographs of the interviewee and interviewer. Interviews will either be in English or in Mandarin Chinese. The entire interview session will be recorded and later transcribed in the language in which the interview was conducted. A video recording of the interview will also be produced.
Interview recordings and transcripts, photos, as well as family papers and artifacts, will be archived in the UW Libraries Special Collections. Digital content of the oral history interviews will be made available through a portal to be developed by the Digital Initiative of UW Libraries, and linked to the project website and the website of the East Asia Library.

About Community Forum

Each month the University of Washington East Asia Library hosts a Community Forum for members of Seattle’s Taiwanese and Chinese community. These forums have multiple purposes. They are an opportunity for the community members to share their stories and experiences with one another, to receive updates on the progress of the History Through Memories and Stories project and contribute their insights, and to learn from and exchange knowledge with guest speakers—who may be academics, oral historians, and community leaders with relevant specialized knowledge. The event is held in Mandarin Chinese and is open to the public. Tea and snacks are provided.