Mr. Richard Ma 馬良棟先生

Oral History Interview with Mr. Richard Ma


The Oral History Interview with Mr. Richard Ma (馬良棟先生) was taken on June 27, 2018 and July 17, 2018.
Ms. Juan Luo (羅娟女士) worked as the interviewer, Ms. Hsinyu Tso and Ms. Rainbow Huang worked as the Producers.IMG_1415

July Community Forum 2018 七月社區論壇

From Librarian To College Chancellor

A Successful Journey of a Chinese Immigrant

Dr. Peter Ku 古嘉訓 博士

We were honored to have Dr. Peter Ku (古嘉訓博士) as the featured speaker of our community forum on July 15th. Dr. Ku shared his amazing life story as a successful Chinese immigrant.



May Community Forum 2018 五月社區論壇

Listening to the Call From My Homeland

Dr. Shyu-tu Lee (李學圖博士)

We were honored to have Dr. Shyu-tu Lee (李學圖博士) as the featured speaker of our community forum on May 20th. Dr. Lee not only shared his life stories about his career in information technology management but also his experience as a productive writer.IMG_9004
