3D Virtual Sight Distance Analysis Using Mobile LIDAR Data

PI: Michael Olsen (OSU), michael.olsen@oregonstate.edu
Co-Investigators: David Hurwitz (OSU), Alireza Kashani (OSU)
Dates: 01/16/2015 – 06/15/2016
Status: Completed
UTC Project Sheet
Final Technical Report

This research explores the feasibility, benefits and challenges of a safety analysis for sight distances based on DOT Mobile Laser Scanning (MLS) data. This research will also develop a systematic MLS data analysis framework to evaluate sight distances in different practical scenarios. The use of high density MLS data for sight distance analysis provides a data driven solution to aid decision making for safe transportation, directly aligning with the PacTrans FY2014-2015 theme. Further, it fits directly within Topic Area #3 Technological Impacts on Safety.