
The Autism Blog’s segment, Ask Dr. Emily, allows readers to send questions in to Dr. Emily Neuhaus, a clinical psychologist at Seattle Children’s Autism Center, where she will share her insights in a question and answer format.

In the latest edition, Dr. Emily addresses the benefits of therapy for a person with autism, even though their genetic make-up will not change as a result of these therapies. There is a wide range of therapy, like speech therapy or occupational therapy, that can be suggested by your provider based on each person’s unique areas of strength and difficulty, in order to address areas where skill deficits might be getting in the way.

While therapy will not change a person’s genetic make-up, they will allow the individual to continue to grow in many ways, develop new skills, learn new things, and have new experiences. It supports skills to allow individuals to participate in their communities and daily activities.

To read more about Dr. Emily’s insight on this topic, click here.

You can send in your own questions to and Dr. Emily will do her best to answer them.


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