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Differential Dx
Evidence Base
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of Systolic Murmurs
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of Diastolic Murmurs
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of CHF
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[Skill Modules >> Heart Sounds & Murmurs >> Evidence Base ]

Evidence Base: Heart Sounds & Murmurs

Accuracy in Diagnosis of Diastolic Murmurs

The authors did extensive meta-analysis looking at the diagnosis of aortic insufficiency. They found that cardiologists' precision (measuring interobserver variability) for detecting diastolic murmurs was moderate when they were using audiotapes (kappa=0.51) and was good in the clinical setting (simple agreement, 94%). Not surprisingly, the precision of non-cardiologist was less for all diastolic murmurs.

Most findings for aortic insufficiency were found to be neither sensitive nor specific. The most useful finding for ruling in AI is the presence of an early diastolic murmur and its absence for ruling out AI. Similarly, the presence and absence of a mid-diastolic murmur significantly increases or decreases the likelihood of mitral stenosis, respectively. The detection of a typical PR murmur by a cardiologist significantly increased its probability but its absence was not significant on the diagnosis.

Clinical Findings for Detection of Heart Failure LR+ (95% CI) LR-
Presence of an early diastolic murmur to detect mild or greater AI 8.8-32.0 (95% CI 2.8-32 to 16-630  
Presence of an early diastolic murmur to detect moderate or greater AI 4.0-8.3 [95% CI, 2.5-6.9 to 6.2-11]  
Absence of an early diastolic murmur to detect mild or greater AI   0.1 [95% CI, 0.0-0.3]
Absence of an early diastolic murmur to detect moderate or greater AI   0.1 [95% CI, 0.0-0.3]

Source: data from two Grade A studies as summarized in Choudhry.

HCM = hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
VSD = ventricular septal defect

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