Posts by: RPN


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Managing Human Riskiness in the Times of Finance: On the Social Foundations of Financial Accumulation

May 14

Luis Flores -- University of Michigan -- Department of Sociology This historical project seeks to synthesize debates of U.S. financialization and...

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Kick-Off Event Fall 2015, University of Washington

May 11

We are postponing our end-of-the-year potluck until October 2015, when we will announce some of our new initiatives available for...

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Dinner and Discussion: How to Talk About Relational Poverty at Thanksgiving

May 9

Monday, May 18th, 6:00 PM, Wallingford  You’ve thought about power and privilege in your classrooms and with your friends. But how do you talk...

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The Great Transformation

May 9

Vinay Gidwani and Eric Sheppard - University of Minnesota - Global Spotlight Faculty Grants  Funded as Full Professors Proposal Abstract: Rapid...

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Seminar: Hania Sholkamy, Middle Eastern Studies Center

May 9

Monday, May 4th, 12:30, Thompson 317 "The State in the Service of the Poor: The Politics, Past and Present of Social Protection in Egypt" Dr....

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Lecture and Chai: Anant Maringanti

May 9

Urban Research Beyond the Campus: Experience from Indian Metropolises Monday, May 4, 3:30 – 5 p.m. Location:  Thomson Hall (THO) Room...

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Philadelphia Field Project: Toward a use-value geography of poverty

May 9

Lakshman Yapa - Pennsylvania State University - Department of Geography The project is to build an interdisciplinary research initiative on urban...

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Care Markets: The role of care agencies in the commodification of elderly care

May 9

Karin Schwiter - University of Zurich – Department of Geography In Switzerland, the commercialization of home care has been accompanied by the...

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Resilience of the Residuals in the Post-Welfare Inner City

May 9

Geoffrey DeVerteuil - Cardiff University - School of Planning and Geography The focal point for this book is on the ‘how’ of resilience, the...

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