Session II: Spaces of Alliance Politics Across Class and Difference

October 27, 2014  • Posted in Annual Meeting 2014  •  0 Comments

This session grapples with the question of alliance politics: what brings people together, how the middle class allies itself with the poor, and how class relations are sustained across difference.

The Space Management of the Middle Class: The case of Chacarita, Buenos Aires
Santiago Canevaro, CONICET / UNSAM & Nicolás Viotti, CONICET / FLACSO
The ‘sustainability’ of class relations in Bangalore, India
Manisha Anantharaman, Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management, University of California at Berkeley.
Waste Removal: the Middle class politics of informal recycle in San Francisco
Tony Sparks, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, San Francisco State University
Building Cross-Class Alliances Through Urban Food Provisioning
Lucy Jarosz, Department of Geography, University of Washington
Public Kitchens, Private Lives: Community Kitchens and the End of the End-User Food Bank Model
Melora Koepke, Department of Geography, Simon Fraser University

For the full abstracts, please download the PDF

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