Who is identified as ‘poor’, and how are they targeted through policy, punitive legal policies, and institutions such as the criminal justice system?
Revealing dependences: House Bill 87 and immigrant labor regimes in rural Georgia, USA – Lise Nelson, Department of Geography, Penn State University
Devolution and Entangled Exclusions: Linking Immigration Enforcement and Mass Incarceration in Los Angeles, CA
Maegan Miller, Department of Geography, University of California at Los Angeles
Enduring Incarceration: Gender, Race, and Carceral Precarity – Anne Bonds, Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Re-thinking the relationship between poverty and gendered violence: structural violence and vulnerability in Hyderabad, India
Amy Piedalue, Department of Geography, University of Washington
Poverty Oriented Ontology
Ali Hassan, University of British Columbia and Matthew Lilko, Trent University
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