Posts Tagged ‘justice’


Relational Poverty Research by RPN Members

Filter by: All | Economic Crisis | Poverty discourse | Inequality | Difference: | Places: N. America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia

Relational Poverty Politics: Forms, Struggles, and Possibilities

March 17

Book Contributors: Antonádia Borges, Dia Da Costa, Sarah Elwood, David Boarder Giles, Jim Glassman, Victoria Lawson, Felipe Magalhães, Jeff...

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Urbanization, Gender, and the Global South: A transformative knowledge network (GenUrb)

February 27

PI: Linda Peake, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Situated within the dynamic early 21st century context of urbanization, the GenUrb project...

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Climate and Energy Justice: Generating relational understandings of home and place

February 27

Stefan Bouzarovski, Department of Geography and Manchester Urban Institute, University of Manchester Addressing the driving forces of climate...

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MLK Street (Re) Naming, Social Justice, and African American Freedom Struggle

December 15

Derek H. Alderman, Department of Geography, University of Tennessee While the study of streets named for Martin Luther King, Jr. has long...

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Digitize and Punish: Carceral Cities and the Production of Crime Data

November 30

Brian Jordan Jefferson, Department of Geography and Geographic Information Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign While critical...

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Mapping Jim Crow From Below: The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Geospatial Intelligence, and Civil Rights

November 30

Joshua Inwood, Department of Geography and the Rock Ethics Institute, the Pennsylvania State University Co-PI: Derek Alderman, Department of...

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