Sarah Reitz

Designer Statement
I am a visual and experience designer with a background in journalism and video production. The interest in visual storytelling that drew me to journalism also led me to design, and much of my design process is informed by the tenets of journalism — asking the right questions, being observant and empathetic, and striving for clarity. No matter its final form, my work leverages personal stories and insights to create dynamic, informed experiences.
As a designer, I’ve worked in the areas of brand communication, service design, healthcare, and experiential graphic design. Recently, my work has explored participatory public installations, asking what drives participation in an outdoor exhibition setting. Specifically, I’ve been interested in how we interpret and interact with monuments and memorials in public spaces.

Sarah Reitz
Master of Design
[blockquote author=”Associate Professor of Interaction Design, Tad Hirsch” pull=”normal”]”Sarah is fearless! I have been inspired by her willingness to take risks and thrive in uncomfortable situations. In her thesis, I was particularly impressed with Sarah’s perseverance through unexpected challenges and the occasional setback to create a piece that was thoughtful, effective, and meaningful.”[/blockquote]
Tad Hirsch (chair), Karen Cheng, Kristine Matthews