Scott Tsukamaki

Designer Statement
As an industrial and interaction designer, I find inspiration in a clean and truthful aesthetic, my passion for the outdoors, and my favorite designers: Naoto Fukasawa and Daniel Simon. After receiving my undergraduate degree in Industrial Design from the University of Washington in 2008, I worked for start-ups, consultancies, and corporate design firms before joining Fluke Networks in 2013.
My thesis investigates connected devices and tangible user interfaces, which combine physical and digital inputs. Through partnerships with the University of Washington Dental School and local oral care providers, I designed a new method of interaction between patients and care providers using tangible objects.

Scott Tsukamaki
Master of Design
[blockquote author=”Assistant Professor of Industrial Design, Jason O. Germany” pull=”normal”]“Scott has shown throughout his thesis that he has a great ability to manage both the big problems and the small ones too. He has the flexibility to shift between strategic concerns for a project while executing the tactical elements to get it done. This ability to balance roles as a designer is a huge asset and it showed in his final work.”[/blockquote]
Jason O. Germany (chair), Axel Roesler, Audrey Desjardins, Kent Swendseid