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From Object to Action: Art and Performance Symposium

by jcmills on April 6th, 2011

The Graduate Students of Art History (GSAH) have organized a symposium in conjunction with the special exhibition Nick Cave: Meet Me at the Center of the Earth at the Seattle Art Museum. Speakers include Art History graduate students Kris Anderson, Jenni Beetem, Lauren Easterling, Philip Hafferty, Liz Patterson, artist Catherine Cabeen, and museum curator Pamela McClusky. Their topics highlight the role of performance through Nick Cave’s art works, global cultures, and the history of art. Presentations will be from 4-6pm and then 7-8pm in the Nordstrom Lecture Hall at the Seattle Art Museum. Between sessions, Cornish College of the Arts students perform work by modern dance choreographer Merce Cunningham in the galleries.This is a free admission day at the museum. Registration is required for the symposium.

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