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12/27/01 Smoking in films seems to have made a comeback in recently released movies.
12/14/01 The British Medical Association has asked British film companies to ban smoking in films.
12/11/01 An Old Enemy, Smoking, Hangs Tough - Worrisome trends concerning young people and smoking.
11/29/01 Study shows U.S. teens are not more likely to be sexually active than their peers in other developed countries, but they're much more likely to become parents. Sexually active U.S. teen are significantly less likely to use birth control or have abortions.
11/28/01 A local non-profit group in California is seeking to pass a prevention plan that would eliminate public alcohol and tobacco advertisements in their local community.
11/19/01 The proposed name change of the Philip Morris Companies is sparking debate and conversations about how consumers will perceive the new name.
10/31/01 Los Angeles may decide this year whether or not to allow people to continue to smoke in its public parks.
10/31/01 The Florida Department of Health is releasing new advertisements that put a new spin on the Philip Morris commercials promoting the company's charitable contributions in the United States.
10/5/01 The number of teens who begin smoking has decreased by one-third in the past two years.
8/1/01 This journal article explains that even small amounts of second-hand smoke can be harmful to non-smokers.

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