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11/19/05 Movie smoking has state officials fuming
Attorneys general from 32 states, including Washington, have asked movie studios to add anti-smoking messages to upcoming DVD releases featuring the unhealthy habit in response to new research showing that movie actors' smoking spurs youths to light up.
11/5/05 Exposure to Movie Smoking: Its Relation to Smoking Initiation Among US Adolescents
Objective. Regional studies have linked exposure to movie smoking with adolescent smoking. We examined this association in a representative US sample.

1/19/05 Don't Pass Gas. Take it Outside
The American Legacy Foundation and the Ad Council are launching a new public service announcement campaign "to educate Americans and especially parents about the dangers of secondhand smoke and motivate them to take
steps to create smoke-free environments for their families." The tag line is "Don't Pass Gas. Take It Outside." They're also releasing research results that find more than 13 million U.S. children are exposed to secondhand smoke
in their homes.
1/19/05 Teen drug use drops modestly
Fewer teenagers are smoking cigarettes or using illegal drugs, but a survery released yesterday shows a troubling increase in the use of inhalants by younger adolescents.

1/19/05 U.S. teens postponing sex. Contraception use increases. U.S. teenagers are waiting longer to engage in sexual intercourse and an overwhelming majority of those who are sexually active report using contraception, according to a comprehensive, well-respected government survey.
1/19/05 2005 Hometown Video Festival
entry deadline: February 16, 2005

The Hometown Video Festival honors and promotes community media and local cable programs that are first distributed on Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) access cable television channels. Awards are presented to creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats, and move viewers to experience television in a different way.Each award winner receives a beautiful plaque that is inscribed with the name of the producer, title of the program, and the category for which it won. Also all winning entires will be listed in the "The Community Media Review" and on the Alliance web site..

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