Dr. Lynn Churchill

LynnDr. Lynn Churchill has over 30 years of experience in the ever changing and evolving field of technology and telecommunications.  He is known nationally for his participation with the University of Washington TRIO Training Program for the last 23 years.  He has been a pioneer in the use of online interactive technologies that foster the development of information literacy skills, technology skills and 21st Century Learning Skills through robust online collaboration environments and online project based activities. 

Dr. Churchill also donates his time as the Executive Director of the Information Technology Research Center (iTRC), a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the use of advanced technologies to enhance education and research. The iTRC supports the servers that deliver the TRIO Training online instruction as well as the TRIO Quest activities that TRIO students participate in across the nation.

He was a Research Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at the University of Montana where he worked for ten years and directed a number of grant funded projects including the Network Montana Project and Internet2.  He also founded and directed two technology centers during his tenures in academia while at the University of Washington and at the University of Montana.  He has been the principal investigator and director of several grants with funding from sources such as Department of Education, Department of Justice, NASA, NSF and others.

He has worked extensively over the years with the leading technology companies and integrators across the nation including Apple, AT&T, BAE Systems, Cisco, HP/Compaq, IBM, L3, Microsoft, Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Raytheon, Texas Instruments, Toshiba, Verizon and others. He is familiar with the rigorous requirements of enterprise level computing and communications while at the same time understanding the operations and security issues that go along with providing online services.

Dr. Churchill is also well aware of the demands of the private sector having been the CTO of several companies that have been engaged in designing new and innovative products and services to enhance collaboration and communication for business, education, defense, law enforcement and emergency responders.  He specializes in the design and integration of advanced technologies and telecommunications.