TRIO Training Topics

Priority 1 (for all TRIO Staff)

Record Keeping

Record Keeping
Assist participants with identifying effective ways to collect, record and analyze the data that will serve to meet each TRIO program’s objectives.

Reporting Student and Project Performance

Reporting Student and Project Performance
Provides TRIO personnel with effective strategies for reporting student and project performance to the Department.


Provide TRIO personnel with information and resources on how to conduct formative and summative evaluations in order to improve the performance of the project staff and the project as a whole.

Priority 3 (for all TRIO staff)

Assessment of Student Needs

Assessment of Student Needs
Teaches participants how to assess the needs of their students and how to tailor counseling and support to the specific needs of each student.

Graduation and Retention

Graduation & Retention
Presents strategies that have proven results in supporting TRIO projects or projects serving TRIO-eligible students with demonstrated growth in retention and graduation rates.

Educational Technology

Educational Technology
Addresses different ways that TRIO personnel can use technology to both manage their project and provide services to students, with an emphasis on services to students that utilize educational technology.