Part C: Program Responsibilities

  • Staff and Programs may provide structure, resources, guidance, encouragement, and comments to students as they create their TRIO Quest entry
  • Staff and Programs may help students locate human, technical and information resources in support of their efforts
  • Each program must carefully review the Terms and Conditions(Part G) and assure that the work of the students is intellectually honest and that sources are properly cited.  (Review the Plagiarism guidelines posted on our web site.)
    NOTE: To underscore the importance of Intellectual Honesty, as part of the judging process, all entries may be submitted to for an originality report
  • Programs need to assure that any web pages posted on Google Sites do not contain any commercial content that promotes the sale of a product or service. Commercial content includes but is not limited to logos, brand names, slogans, text, images, videos, or any type of multimedia file(s). For commercial materials used as supplemental links within a Google Sites' entry, it is the program's responsibility to assure the appropriateness of these links
  • Programs need to assure that all social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is appropriate in content and/or language and must not contain objectionable materials. Programs must monitor and edit all social media and take responsibility for the content presented on a TRIO Site entry
  • Programs need to assure that the topic and content are appropriate for a diverse group of students in this age group
  • Programs need to assure that personal information about the students does not appear on the activity
  • Programs need to assure that the entries are uploaded and submitted before the deadline
  • It is the program’s responsibility to copy any student work before the final submission if the program wishes to have a record of the site or to post it on their program’s server.  Only the finalist teams may be hosted on the TRIO Quest site
  • For programs working with students under 18, a parental permission form for each student who participates in TRIO Quest must be on file.  (This may be a part of the general permission given to participate in the TRIO program’s activities if TRIO Quest is specifically referenced.)
  • Programs are responsible for maintaining documentation of permission given by all persons who are identifiable in any original video submitted to TRIO Quest
  • Programs are responsible for changes posted by Google Sites during the competition
  • Programs are responsible to adhere to Google Sites’ Policies and Terms of Use

Next: Part D: DigiMedia Overview