Creative Commons Images

(checked March 2011 - regualar updates to occur)

Creative Commons Search
A search engine of search engines to find images, video, music, etc.

Creative Commons Content Directories
Lists projects (audio, video, image, text, other) with Creative Commons licenses. This page is built by Creative Commons' authors, photographers, musicians, etc. Be sure to check the type of license for each project.

Citing a Creative Commons Image – YouTube video
Nice example on how to find and save creative commons images from Flickr, and how to cite them.

Copyright Free: An Introduction to Creative Commons – YouTube Video
Fun and easily understandable explanation of copyright law and how to find copyright free images. "It was created as a preliminary to other videos describing Creative Commons, public domain, and other resources."

Simple Creative Commons image search – YouTube Video (followup to Copyright Free: An Introduction to Creative Commons above)
Provides a brief overview of Creative Commons but quickly moves to how to find Creative Commons Images through Google's, Advanced Image Search option and how to narrow and focus the search. Also touches on attribution and displays an improper use of a Creative Commons license.

behold – Search High Quality Flickr Images (that are free to use!)
Just type in a topic and click "free to use" then Search. When you find an image you want to use, click the "Some rights reserved" link under Additional Information and note: 1. The type of license, 2. What you are free to do with the image, and 3. What the conditions are. Also: copy and paste the url of the image. You will use ALL this information for your citation/attribution of the image.

Flickr Creative Commons
Browse under each type of license to find images from Flickr users that have chosen to offer their work under a Creative Commons license. Also describes each license on the side of the page for easy reference.