Writing, Research & Citation 2011

2012 resources coming soon.
Guidelines for web writing
A variety of helpful suggestions for improving the written portion of a website. Learn how web writing differs from the traditional writing style used for printed materials.
How to avoid and detect web plagiarism
Important information on avoiding and detecting plagiarism on student websites.
DigiSites Fair Use Guidelines
See the DigiSites Fair Use Guidelines. Note: Fair Use CANNOT be used for DigiText or DigiMedia.
Citation Game
Practice ordering APA and MLA citations with the updated citation game!
Obtaining Permissions
How obtain permission to use materials created by others on your website. Includes a template release form, request letter, and email.
Creative Commons - free tools and resource to inform people how to share and reuse creative works
Creative Commons allows creators to keep their copyright but also to allow others to copy and distribute their work provided that they give the creator credit through specific types of Creative Commons licenses. This is a phenomenal resource and can be used instead of relying on confusing Fair Use guidelines. A+++++
Punctuation Refresher Quiz
This quick and easy quiz allows you to test your punctuation proficiency. Can you recognize these common errors in punctuation?
Writing Links
Links to online writing resources.