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Checklist for student websites

Use this checklist to avoid plagiarism and copyright law violations when creating DigiSites entries.

1. Which of the following quotations is punctuated correctly?

A) The answer is "A."
B) The answer is "B".

2. Where does the period go at the end of the parentheses?

A) It should be on the outside (like this).
B) It should be on the inside (like this.)

3. Which of the following sentences uses commas correctly?

A) Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
B) Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

4. What does it's mean?

A) It is.
B) Something belonging to or being possessed by it.
C) The answer could be A or B depending on the context.

5. What does its mean?

A) It is.
B) Something belonging to or being possessed by it.
C) The answer could be A or B depending on the context.

Source: The Elements of Style by William Strunk, an excellent resource on style, punctuation, and grammar.