
Online Training Short Subject Presentations with Audio

Please go to the Online Training page to learn how to access the following presentations.

Techniques for Model Program Evaluation

Data Analysis and Marketing (NEW)
This presentation includes the “why” and “what” of using data you have to promote your program to stakeholders. At this critical time when TRIO is challenged to show how essential it is to this country, all programs must effectively present their success. Presented as a live Webinar on December 8, 2011 by Dr. Ben McCune.

Implementing an Effective Evaluation Plan
This short subject covers the following:

  • Why Evaluate
  • What an Evaluation Plan
  • What should be in an Evaluation Plan
  • Evaluation Plan Examples
  • Evaluation Planner Practicum
  • Summary & Course Evaluation

Using CAS Standards and the Self Assessment Evaluation Process to Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Program
The Council for the Advancement of Standards has developed national standards of practice for TRIO programs. This presentation provides an overview of what is included in the TRIO CAS Standards. It also briefly describes a self assessment process using CAS Standards to evaluate your program. Presented by Dr. Sue Brown.

Introduction to Survey Design
Introduces several important parts of surveying: planning the survey, designing the survey and increasing response rate. A well-constructed questionnaire can provide you with excellent data. A poorly constructed questionnaire will yield inaccurate or unreliable information. This online-only session was created by Dr. Lee Fulmer and is presented by Sharon Primm-Dayot.

Non-Statistical Introduction to Survey Sampling
Designed to teach some of the basic concepts used in survey sampling so that you can better understand evaluations that use this methodology. This online-only session was created by Dr. Lee Fulmer and is presented by Mrs. Sharon Primm-Dayot.

Online Resources

Educause: Assessment Evaluation
"The EDUCAUSE Resource Center is a repository for information concerning use and management of information technology (IT) in higher education. It aggregates content submitted by EDUCAUSE, ECAR, Net@EDU, ELI, and our members. Resources include articles, books, conference sessions, contracts, effective practices, plans, policies, position descriptions and blog content."

Federal Register: Scientifically Based Evaluation Methods (pdf)

What Works Clearinghouse
"The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) collects, screens, and identifies studies of effectiveness of educational interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies)."

How To Find A Capable Evaluator To Conduct a Rigorous Evaluation Of An Educational Program Or Practice
"Purpose: To provide education officials, program providers, and others seeking to sponsor a rigorous program evaluation with practical advice on finding a capable evaluator. To provide education officials, program providers, and others seeking to sponsor a rigorous program evaluation with practical advice on finding a capable evaluator."

Registry of Evaluation Researchers
"An online database of researchers who conduct evaluations of the effectiveness of educational interventions. This resource is designed to help schools, school districts, and educational program developers identify potential researchers (individuals and organizations) to conduct studies of effectiveness of educational interventions."