The Student Diversity Event Fund is now Closed for the 2024-2025 year!
Student Diversity Event Fund (SDEF)
Student Diversity Event Fund (SDEF) Mission
The Student Diversity Event Fund is to support student-organized programs and events that enhance intercultural dialogue, communication, and the exchange of multicultural perspectives and values.
The information below is designed to help your student organization understand the limitations of this funding award and the guidelines for using these funds.
Funding Eligibility
- For ECC-affiliated RSO:
- Must attend a Kelly ECC SDEF Co-Sponsorship workshop (only available in the fall quarter)
- Must fill out the Post Funding Summary form (more information below). Failure to turn in the form might result in ineligibility for funds the following year
- Event must have an educational and/or culturally enriching focus
- Event programming must be aimed at enhancing a positive campus climate
- Program must be open to and inclusive of all UW students; programs deemed too exclusive will not be eligible for co-sponsorship
- ECC Non-Affiliated RSO:
- Any registered student organization not affiliated with the Kelly ECC may qualify to apply for up to a maximum funding request of $250.00
- RSO’s applying for SDEF funding and planning events must demonstrate alignment with the mission of the Kelly ECC and the SDEF
SDEF Distribution
- Funding is only awarded for what the RSO originally requested. Any unused funds will not be redistributed to any other event/program the RSO would like to host or kept by the RSO
- Funding does not roll over into the next academic year
Funds May be Requested for
- On-Campus facility usage
- Equipment rental
- Event-related promotions, printing, and advertising
- Examples include posters, flyers, banners
- Office/Events supplies for RSO to utilize
- Examples include items for training, conferences, or workshop events and recruitment efforts
- Event/regalia/cultural attire for members to utilize (not for personal use)
- Ticket printing and/or ticket staff, Security fees
- Honoraria for non-UW-affiliated performers/speakers
- If performers/speakers require additional separate funds such as airfare/lodging, you must include this information in your funding request
- Registration fees to academic or professional conferences that relate to the areas of student leadership and retention
- Costs for airfare and lodging are not eligible for funding
Funds May Not be Requested for
- Giveaways/promotional items
- Examples include t-shirts, door/raffle prizes, etc.
- Gifts for guests/speakers
- Examples include flowers, gift cards, gift baskets, etc.
- Large Appliances
- Examples include BBQ grills, microwaves, fridges
- Food and drink
- Examples include catering orders, snacks, alcohol
- Event tickets or purchases controlled by non-UW students that do not align with the SDEF mission
- Off-campus event reservations for RSO to utilize physical space for own programming/events
- Fundraisers, donations, advocating for legislation, or partisan political activity
- Religious related events/programs which includes workshop, exercise, or instruction [source]
- Reimbursement for any past events or purchases
- Cancellation fees
Funding Request Process
1. Funding Request Proposal
- Complete the funding request proposal by submitting the form at least 4 weeks before your event/program
- The 2024-2025 SDEF process timeline will take place as follows:
- For fall quarter 2024 events, the SDEF committee will start accepting applications on October 1, 2024, at 9:00 AM
- For winter quarter 2025 events, the SDEF committee will start accepting applications on November 12, 2024, at 9:00 AM
- For spring quarter 2025 events, the SDEF committee will start accepting applications on January 6, 2025, at 9:00 AM
- SDEF will continue to be on a first-come, first-served basis
- The following information must be ready before submitting the request form:
- All promotional materials for the event
- Share in the request form if promotional materials are still being finalized. If this is an annual event, please include past advertising materials
- Spreadsheet breakdown of items, quantities, sponsorships from other resources (UW and non-campus affiliated), and finalized costs
- Copies of Invoices/quotes
- If your funding request includes purchasing materials, please provide an itemized list of specific items (Names, purchase links, quantities, and prices).
- If your funding request includes payment for using a UW Facility (i.e. HUB, ECC Building/Theatre, Academic Classroom, etc), please include your room reservation confirmation document. Screenshot of room confirmation from sources such as HFS and Intellectual House also can be included. Screenshots of your room reservation request being submitted is NOT a confirmation.
- All promotional materials for the event
- Applications will be reviewed weekly by the SDEF committee. After submission, you will be emailed directly within 2 weeks to inform you of your funding status
- Please note: SDEF applications will not be reviewed and processed during finals week or university holidays/breaks (fall, winter, and spring). If your RSO submits applications during this time period, your RSO will receive follow-up confirmation of application submission and an updated timeline of when your application will be reviewed
- Failure to provide the documents above, funding requests will automatically be denied
- The 2024-2025 SDEF process timeline will take place as follows:
The Student Diversity Event Fund is now Closed for the 2024-2025 year!
2. Mandatory Funding Meeting
- Mandatory funding meeting with SDEF committee
- All funding applications that have met all the requirements in the first step will be emailed to meet with the SDEF committee for further discussion
- RSOs will be required to prepare a PowerPoint presentation that will take no longer than 10 minutes to present. Information in the presentation must include:
- Overview of what your event is (What your event is about, who is the audience, how many expected participants)
- How does this event/program align with the ECC mission and values and SDEF mission
- Budget breakdown – How much money you are requesting, how do you plan to utilize the funds if approved, other funding sources
- Marketing timeline & plan
- If you’ve done the event in the past, what are you hoping to do differently, what went well, and what would you like to continue doing again this year
- Any other information you’d like for the committee to consider
- If RSO does not attend the scheduled mandatory funding meeting, funding requests will automatically be denied
3. Post Event Summary Packet
- Post Event Summary Packet
- All student organizations that receive funding through the SDEF must complete and submit a post-event summary within 3 weeks after their event
- Completed final evaluation form
- Copy of your final budget summary of all expenditures and co-sponsoring partners/organizations and their contributions
- All finalized copies of publicity materials (i.e. posters, flyers, social media posts)
- Post-event summary packets must be sent to
- Student events co-sponsored by the RSO Gala Awards Fund may be eligible for an exemption for completing a post-event summary packet at the discretion of the SDEF committee. You will be notified if you are exempt via email to your general RSO email
- All student organizations that receive funding through the SDEF must complete and submit a post-event summary within 3 weeks after their event
4. Compliance
- Compliance
- Failure to comply with SDEF processes and/or requirements may compromise your organization’s ability to receive future funding from the Kelly ECC and/or the Office of Minority Affairs & Diversity (OMA&D)
- The OMA&D Student Diversity Event Fund has the right to withdraw funding at any time if publicity and/or program content do not meet the necessary requirements and/or does not align with the mission, vision, and values of OMA&D and the Kelly ECC
Please contact us at