Global Health Justice

international aid

July 9, 2024

Kenya’s protests: The violent cost of IMF debt

By Amaya Gatling, GHJ Team
Peaceful protestors in Kenya against Finance Bill 2023.

Recent demonstrations against Kenya’s Finance Bill 2024 were met with deadly repression. At least 39 civilians were killed and hundreds injured by Kenyan police while protesting the proposed 346 billion Kenyan shillings ($2.6 billion) tax increase. This Bill was intended to generate government revenue, a condition of the $2.34 billion International Monetary Fund (IMF) 38-month…

June 8, 2024

Decolonizing must challenge globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering.

By GHJ Team

The authors of a February 2024 Bulletin of the World Health Organization article call for global health actors to challenge current forms of corporate and financialized colonialism that operate through globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering. They note that most of the current narrative on decolonization focuses on correcting power imbalances between health actors…

February 10, 2024

Defunding UNWRA in Gaza is ‘collective punishment’ – Lancet & Health Justice Organizations

By Steve Gloyd

Health and political leaders globally have condemned defunding of UNRWA, the principle lifeline for the people of Gaza.  Sharmila Devi, in the current issue of Lancet, quotes UN leaders and aid agency leaders (including WHO) “no other entity has the capacity to deliver the scale and breadth of assistance that 2·2 million people in Gaza…

January 27, 2024

Tim Schwab & “The Bill Gates Problem” Town Hall Seattle Podcast

By GHJ Team

Tim Schwab, author of  the recently published “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the myth of the good billionaire,” headlined a Seattle Town Hall event in December 2024 sponsored by the Community Alliance for Global Justice. In this podcast of the event, Tim explains how Bill Gates’ uses his foundation as a vehicle for unaccountable…

October 13, 2023

[BOOKS] on Medical Appartheid

By Fatima Al-Shimari

Medical apartheid refers to the systemic discrimination, segregation, and unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on their race or ethnicity within the healthcare system, leading to disparities in access, quality of care, and health outcomes. Book recommendations on medical appartheid:   “Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial…

August 24, 2022

U.N. Faces Record Humanitarian Aid Shortfall — but Not for Ukrainians

By Farnaz Fassihi, NY Times 22 Aug

Important article about a just published UN report that describes the structurally racist responses to global humanitarian crises. Farnaz Fassihi reminds us that as war, global heating/drought, COVID-19, and longstanding structural violence have grossly increased the need for global humanitarian assistance, the responses from the US, Europe, and Japan has focused on Ukraine at the…