Global Health Justice

International Responsibility

July 23, 2024

Gazan Death Toll Four Times Greater Than Official Estimates, According to Multiple Experts

Amaya Gatling

By: Ayan M Ali, GHJ Team In mid-June, the Gazan Ministry of Health reported a cumulative death toll of nearly 39,000 people attributed to the Israeli assault on Gaza, including 15,000 children. However, other credible researchers estimate that the true death toll is likely over four times higher than reported. Susan Abulhawa, a Gazan refugee,…

June 13, 2024

Israel’s Dahiya doctrine intentionally violates International Humanitarian Law

Steve Gloyd

The Israeli response to the brutal October 7, 2023 Hamas killings and hostage-taking has been widely criticized by the international community. The immense numbers of civilian deaths and injuries have prompted human rights experts to condemn Israel for its defense strategy that disproportionately harms civilians. The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to prevent acts…

June 11, 2024

Chiquita guilty of funding terrorists in Colombia

By Steve Gloyd, GHJ Team

A South Florida jury just found Chiquita Brands liable for killings by right-wing paramilitary death squads that the the company financed in their banana plantations. Chiquita, formerly the United Fruit Company (UFC),  has a long history of deadly repression against workers. The New Orleans-based multinational has long monopolized land and markets and controlled governments throughout…

June 8, 2024

Decolonizing must challenge globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering.

By GHJ Team

The authors of a February 2024 Bulletin of the World Health Organization article call for global health actors to challenge current forms of corporate and financialized colonialism that operate through globalized systems of wealth extraction and profiteering. They note that most of the current narrative on decolonization focuses on correcting power imbalances between health actors…

February 10, 2024

Defunding UNWRA in Gaza is ‘collective punishment’ – Lancet & Health Justice Organizations

By Steve Gloyd

Health and political leaders globally have condemned defunding of UNRWA, the principle lifeline for the people of Gaza.  Sharmila Devi, in the current issue of Lancet, quotes UN leaders and aid agency leaders (including WHO) “no other entity has the capacity to deliver the scale and breadth of assistance that 2·2 million people in Gaza…

January 27, 2024

Tim Schwab & “The Bill Gates Problem” Town Hall Seattle Podcast

By GHJ Team

Tim Schwab, author of  the recently published “The Bill Gates Problem: Reckoning with the myth of the good billionaire,” headlined a Seattle Town Hall event in December 2024 sponsored by the Community Alliance for Global Justice. In this podcast of the event, Tim explains how Bill Gates’ uses his foundation as a vehicle for unaccountable…

January 22, 2024

UN Tax Reform offers hope to Low Income Countries

By GHJ Team

In late November 2023, developing countries at the UN won a historic vote to set up a tax convention in spite of resistance from rich countries. This Guardian editorial (see below) explains how poor nations’ ability to feed, educate and provide healthcare to their people is hobbled by illicit and hidden movements of capital worth…

October 16, 2023

Gaza: The Past Nine Days for Me

By Rahmeh AbuShweimeh

Rahmeh is a Palestinian-Jordanian living in Amman, and was our MPH Graduation speaker in 2022       The past nine days have been an excruciating journey through time, immersing me in the anguish and fury of my ancestors who lived the Nakba [catastrophe]. They served as a potent reminder of my childhood, prompting a fundamental…

September 15, 2023

Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion nationwide

By Henry Noble

¡Victoria! Wave High the Green Bandanas! Years of concerted action by reproductive rights activists in Mexico have just gained a huge win. “Today is the day of victory and justice for Mexican women!” declared Mexico’s National Institute for Women. “No woman or pregnant person, nor any health worker, will be able to be punished for…

September 13, 2023

Substandard medicines blamed for 285,000 childhood malaria, pneumonia deaths

By GHJ Team

VIdya Krishnan, an Indian Journalist writes about a “dirty secret in global health:” that rich countries get quality medicines and that the poor countries often get poison. Her op-ed in the Sept 11 New York Times describes the regulatory inequities between rich and poor nations. and how these inequities fail to prevent manufacture and export…

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