Global Health Justice


War is inextricably linked to health, and yet it is very infrequently considered as a public health issue. Not only does war kill, mame, and traumatize, but it also has ecological and environmental impacts that themselves negate health. It is incongruous with the mission of public health to support war, and yet public health remains silent in war’s midst. Here we highlight the impacts of war on health, and frame war as a global health issue.

July 10, 2024

Crisis in Sudan: Urgent Call for De-Escalation in El Fasher

By Assem Suleimenova, GHJ Team

El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur, is at the epicenter of escalating conflicts in Sudan, now a battleground between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF). With over a million civilians, many displaced and on the verge of starvation, the situation in El Fasher demands immediate global attention. This violence stems…

June 13, 2024

Israel’s Dahiya doctrine intentionally violates International Humanitarian Law

By Amaya Gatling, GHJ Team

The Israeli response to the brutal October 7, 2023 Hamas killings and hostage-taking has been widely criticized by the international community. The immense numbers of civilian deaths and injuries have prompted human rights experts to condemn Israel for its defense strategy that disproportionately harms civilians. The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to prevent acts…

March 8, 2024

Gaza – “Not a normal war”

By Siddhant Gupta

No war is the same. But the Gaza War is particularly unprecedented – on many fronts – the enormous death toll, targeting of children, intentional famine, unprecedented damage to health workers and facilities, emerging threats of infectious disease outbreaks.  Several recent articles and posts underscore how horrific this war has been, from the brutality of…


February 10, 2024

Defunding UNWRA in Gaza is ‘collective punishment’ – Lancet & Health Justice Organizations

By Steve Gloyd

Health and political leaders globally have condemned defunding of UNRWA, the principle lifeline for the people of Gaza.  Sharmila Devi, in the current issue of Lancet, quotes UN leaders and aid agency leaders (including WHO) “no other entity has the capacity to deliver the scale and breadth of assistance that 2·2 million people in Gaza…

January 27, 2024

Wars are never necessary: Gaza is the best example

By Steve Gloyd

This short Lancet piece by Souza, Buss, and Alcazar notes that since the Gaza war began in October 2023, “nothing has been resolved and all impasses remain. The costs of lives lost and survivors’ lives destroyed forever are immense. The billions of dollars spent on killing so far could have saved lives, fed and immunised…

October 16, 2023

Gaza: The Past Nine Days for Me

By Rahmeh AbuShweimeh

Rahmeh is a Palestinian-Jordanian living in Amman, and was our MPH Graduation speaker in 2022       The past nine days have been an excruciating journey through time, immersing me in the anguish and fury of my ancestors who lived the Nakba [catastrophe]. They served as a potent reminder of my childhood, prompting a fundamental…

October 13, 2023

Afghan hunger striker spotlights US-Taliban dirty deal

By Henry Noble, GHJ Team

On September 1, 2023 Tamana Paryani began a hunger strike in Cologne, Germany for the rights of Afghan women. She is demanding that the United Nations and the German government declare the Taliban government is misogynist and practices gender apartheid. Ms. Paryani, a women’s rights defender, was arrested by the Taliban and suffered 26 days…

October 12, 2023

Gaza: The root of violence is oppression

By GHJ Team

This blog from the Jewish Voices for Peace condemns the violence, mourns the lives lost, and provides a context for understanding the roots of the conflict in Israel and Gaza.  The authors note that The bloodshed of today and the past 75 years traces back directly to U.S. complicity in the oppression and horror caused…

October 5, 2023

“The challenges we’re facing are man made- It’s our responsibility to unmake them.” An illuminating talk with a Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish

By Alina Metje, GHJ Team

Building on the issues highlighted in our GHJ website article about medical aid challenges for Palestinian patients, Dr. Abuelaish emphasized how health can serve as a bridge to peace and that the origins of problems stem from ignorance. He stressed the importance of communication to address conflicts. Drawing on his personal experiences as a Palestinian…

July 14, 2023

International Double Standards in Humanity: The War in Sudan

By Sonyta Saad

The accumulating tension over power between the two main military factions in Sudan,  finally erupted as literal hell on earth in the early morning of April 15th, 2023, traumatizing the entire nation and sending thousands fleeing the capital city of Khartoum and the country1. Intense and violent clashes took place in cities across the country,…

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