Global Health Justice

Global Health Justice

September 20, 2023

Missionaries of Hate:  U.S. Christian Right Group Enflames Homophobia in Uganda

By GHJ Team

Ugandan Dr. Frank Mugisha exposes the U.S. backers of the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act. He accuses American “conservative anti-gay activists” of fearmongering in Uganda that has led to its LGBTQ criminalization laws. He outlined how this happening when interviewed on the Rachel Maddow in May, 2023. Many people in the Global North were shocked by…

September 19, 2023

Hollow Promises and True Adversaries

By Assem Suleimenova, GHJ Team

Decolonization in global health has gained popularity as a trendy topic, but the language of equity and justice falls short when it comes to practice.  Richard Horton’s “Offline: The case for global health” (Lancet, May 2023) pushes us to struggle against deeper issues in our field, including power and money imbalances, unearned privileges, racism, and…

September 2, 2023

Fossil Fuel Shackles: How Wealthy Nations Hook Developing Ones

By GHJ Team

Introduction In the realm of global environmental justice, a disconcerting phenomenon has gained prominence in recent times: the entrapment of impoverished nations by their wealthier counterparts into a relentless dependence on fossil fuels. (1) This practice, though obscured by economic negotiations, perpetuates a cycle of environmental degradation and inequality. By examining pertinent examples and evidence,…

February 26, 2023

Violence and Sexual Harassment Against Women in Health Professions

By Women in Global Health (WGH)

Women make up 70% of the health care workforce worldwide. Sadly, female health care workers are faced with sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment (SEAH) at work every day perpetrated by male colleagues, male patients, and male community members. Oftentimes, SEAH experienced by women in the health sector goes unreported, unrecorded, and unpunished. In 2022, Women…

December 15, 2022

‘Every chemist has a backroom’: the rise of secret Female Genital Mutilation in Kenya

By Caroline Kimeu from NPR

In 2011, Kenya passed laws to decrease the rates of female genital mutilations (FGM), by imposing hefty fines on its practitioners, and increasing surveillance and enforcement. But the recent medicalization of FGM is posing a new challenge for the east African nation, which has a 15% medicalization rate: one of the highest in Africa. In…

November 11, 2022

Food insecurity is driving women in Africa into sex work, increasing HIV risk.

By Seyma Bayram from NPR

There are many underlying causes  that can reduce the burden of HIV if addressed timely. HIV can be spread through blood, semen, vaginal fluid, breast milk, and other body fluids. Among the possibilities are: Sexual contact with someone who has the HIV virus without using a condom A needle exchange or syringe exchange that results…

November 10, 2022

African scientists say Western aid to fight pandemic is backfiring. Here’s their plan

By Simar Bajaj from NPR

Global health inequities are inevitable, according to virologist and former president of the Nigerian Academy of Sciences Oyewale Tomori. “The WHO is,” says Tomori, “well, I know the W stands for World, but sometimes I think it stands for White.” Dr. Tomori shared that he was not surprised that high-income countries were buying up monkeypox vaccine…

September 13, 2022

[BOOKS] on Decolonization

By Fatima Al-Shimari

Here are book recommendations on decolonizing the global health space:   “Wretched of the Earth” by Frantz Fanon (1961) Fanon’s seminal work on decolonization explores the psychological and sociopolitical effects of colonialism, offering critical insights into the process of liberation and self-determination. “The Colonizer and the Colonized” by Albert Memmi (1957) Memmi’s analysis delves into…

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