Global Health Justice


November 7, 2023

Rewriting the Script of Global Health

By Ikenna Onoh

In the heart of Rwanda, a pharmaceutical revolution is unfolding, disrupting a global health order long dominated by high-income nations. This bold move by a nation determined to chart its own course in healthcare sovereignty embodies the spirit of decolonizing global health. It serves as a testament to the possibility of a world where equity…

September 2, 2023

Fossil Fuel Shackles: How Wealthy Nations Hook Developing Ones

By GHJ Team

Introduction In the realm of global environmental justice, a disconcerting phenomenon has gained prominence in recent times: the entrapment of impoverished nations by their wealthier counterparts into a relentless dependence on fossil fuels. (1) This practice, though obscured by economic negotiations, perpetuates a cycle of environmental degradation and inequality. By examining pertinent examples and evidence,…

December 13, 2022

[BOOKS] on Structural Violence

By Fatima Al-Shimari

Structural violence refers to the social, economic, or political harm ingrained in the underlying systems and structures of a society, causing long-term suffering and disadvantage for certain groups or individuals. Here are some suggested books on the topic:   “Violence: Reflections on a National Epidemic” by James Gilligan (1997) Gilligan, a psychiatrist and expert on…

September 13, 2022

[BOOKS] on Phantom Aid

By Fatima Al-Shimari

“Phantom Aid” refers to the phenomenon where foreign aid is promised but not effectively delivered, often due to corruption, mismanagement, or other systemic issues. Here are recommended books to explore the topic more:   “The White Man’s Burden: Historical Origins of Racism in the United States” by Winthrop D. Jordan (1974) This seminal work offers…

May 31, 2022

[BOOKS] on War in Global Health

By Steve Gloyd

Here is a list of some books that emphasize the role of the USA in fomenting war across the world, often to protect US dominance, corporate exploitation, and promote neoliberal policies –  or to undermine or overthrow governments that challenge such exploitation. Some of the books include:   “Washington Bullets” by Vijay Prashad (2020) Prashad…