Department of Health Metrics Sciences

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Department of Health Metrics Sciences (HMS) is committed to providing the evidence base necessary to help solve the world’s most important health problems. This requires creativity and innovation, which is cultivated by an inclusive, diverse, and equitable environment that respects and appreciates differences, embraces collaboration, and invites the voices of all HMS community members.

HMS DEI Committee

The Department of Health Metrics Sciences’ (HMS) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee will represent current and future HMS community members’ interest in making HMS a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment. We will advocate to serve and empower minority voices, and will serve as liaison to mobilize others in the department to be part of the efforts.

About Committee members

HMS DEI Committee was established in November 2020 with group of 8 volunteers. This is the inaugural HMS DEI Committee.

Professor Ali Mokdad serves as the Chair of the committee, in his role as Associate Chair for Equity for the department. Other members include faculty members and student at various ranks and backgrounds, and membership was established through an application process. Committee members are expected to serve for at least one year, and we are currently meeting at minimum twice monthly to discuss our objectives and progress. Our work focuses specifically on HMS community, such as : recruitment and support for our students, postdocs, and faculty members, ensuring DEI is supported in our education programs, and supporting DEI related research activities by our academics.

Committee Members

Katrin Burkart (she/her)
Assistant Professor

Lisa Force (she/her)
Assistant Professor

Simon Hay (he/him)

Bernardo Hernandez Prado (he/him)

Justin Lo (he/him)
Student, Master of Science program

Ali Mokdad (he/him) Committee Chair
Professor, Associate Chair for Equity

Mina O’Brien (she/her)
Academic Programs Manager

Bobby Reiner (he/him)
Associate Professor

Goals : Academic Year 2021 - 2022

HMS DEI Committee sets annual goals with focus on areas of research, recruitment, retention, education & training, and communication and collaboration. Goals for the current academic year are :

  • Increase & standardizing reach out to Underrepresented Minority (URM) community groups for student/postdoc/faculty recruitments
  • Update HMS mentorship programs with intentional focus on supporting URM groups
  • Anti-racist and anti-colonialism lens on training/teaching materials
  • Build Departmental DEI Communication plan – consistent & cohesive with IHME DEI Council, UW
  • Build holistic knowledge-base of what DEI research is being done by faculty at IHME/HMS and foster intra-/inter-departmental connections

Additional details forthcoming – please contact healthms@uw.edufor questions in the meantime.


Accessibility & Disability Accommodations

Affinity Groups & Community Support

  • The D Center UW’s Disability and d/Deaf Cultural center, a space where students can study, organize, rest and attend events and programs focusing on supporting and celebrating disability and D/deaf communities at the UW and beyond
  • Women’s Centerpromotes gender equity and social justice on campus and in the larger community

Reporting Tools & Conflict Resolutions

  • UW AlliesAllies are faculty who provide trainees (including graduate students and postdocs) with support during conflict with mentors and lab mates, assistance in navigating institutional barriers to success, and connection with institutional and community services. Allies stand in solidarity with trainees, so they don’t have to face challenges alone.


  • WA Employee Assistance Program The Washington State Employee Assistance Program (WA EAP) supports PEBB-eligible University of Washington employees and their household members to help identify and resolve personal concerns to promote individual and workplace wellbeing.
  • Let’s Talk Let’s Talk is a program that connects UW students with support from experienced counselors from the Counseling Center and Hall Health without an appointment.
  • LiveWell Student Coaching and Care Program
  • MySSP MySSP is a free, confidential, and 24/7 mental health and crisis intervention support program for students in multiple languages or your Bothell, Seattle, or Tacoma campus counseling center.
  • Safe Campus Support for UW students and staff impacted by gender- and sex-based harassment & violence
  • UW Emergency Aid Emergency Aid assists students who are experiencing unexpected financial hardships

For questions regarding our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, please contact Ali Mokdad and Mina O’Brien at