Enhance Fitness: Partnering to improve community health

Diverse older adults exercise in a fitness class.

The Enhance Fitness program was highlighted in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s PRC Issue Brief. Learn how we partner with our community partner Sound Generations to bring this program to older adults across Washington.

ROSSEY Community Brief

Over the past three years the ReOpening Schools Safely and Educating Youth (ROSSEY) project has provided Yakima schools with information about COVID-19 to help students continue to stay safe at school. This Community Brief shares what HPRC, the Yakima School District and the Center for Community Health Promotion have learned during the project.

“Moving Beyond Listening”: Anti-Racism Work at HPRC

Community Advisory Board Members: Winona Hollins-Hauge, G De Castro, Mary Mitchell, George Dicks, John Kim, Dian Ferguson.

HPRC’s Change Team sought input and gathered feedback from HPRC’s Community Advisory Board members on anti-racist work. “I’d like to see some joy in this. Focus more on the strengths of this community, the resilience of this community… I want community to be invited, not you [to] bring something to them because [they’re] sick.” 

Bridging Trust and Understanding: The Making of a Community-Centered COVID-19 Communications Toolkit

Bruce Bello, Maria Serrano, Barbara Baquero, Juan Gudino, Miriam Flores, KeliAnne Hara-Hubbard, Najma Abdi and Olivia Hicks

To address the challenge of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, Baquero, Hara-Hubbard, community partners and their team created a community-tailored COVID-19 Communications Toolkit. “Understanding the community and the cultural community you’re working with is a skill and it’s a key component of being able to do meaningful work and strengthen partnerships,” said Hara-Hubbard.

Najma Mohamed and Lesley Steinman Awarded Tier 1 Pilot Award

Najma Mohamed and Lesley Steinman

Mohamed and Steinman were recently awarded a Tier 1 Pilot Award by the University of Washington Population Health Initiative. The two aim to, “[center] the voices and experiences of the social service workforce and participants,” said Steinman.

Early Learning Community Brief

The Early Learning (EL) study is happening at the same time as the larger ROSSEY study in all YSD elementary schools. Families enrolled in the EL study will receive health education materials this summer. Here is what we’ve learned so far about our EL participating families!

ROSSEY 2022: A Year In Review

The ROSSEY Project supports a safe, confident return to classrooms during COVID-19. PROJECT OVERVIEW: With your help, in 2022 we: In 2023, we plan to: The ReOpening Schools Safely and Educating Youth (ROSSEY) project is a partnership between the Yakima School District, the Center for Community Health Promotion, and the University of Washington. Together, we’re…

All Hands on Deck: Keeping Children and Families Safe at Home and School During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The ROSSEY team was in your schools talking to school staff, parents and students. We found out about how the community came together and worked to keep each other safe during COVID-19. WHO PARTICIPATED We heard from 26 parents, 18 students, and 19 school staff members WHAT WE LEARNED Community members worked hard to make…

Meet the New Chair of the HPRC Community Advisory Board

We are proud to announce Mariel Torres Mehdipour as the newest Community Advisory Board chair. The board includes representatives from many of our community partner organizations. Board members provide a practical perspective on community priorities and program implementation, while UW HPRC research provides a scientific base for the programs and policies developed with community organizations.

New COVID-19 Information Training Supports Bilingual Community Members

In a collaborative effort to increase vaccination rates, the Partnership for Vaccine Confidence team is offering a free training for bilingual and multilingual community members to learn how they can share accurate COVID-19 health information with their language communities and help save lives.

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