Enhance Fitness: Partnering to improve community health

Diverse older adults exercise in a fitness class.

The Enhance Fitness program was highlighted in the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s PRC Issue Brief. Learn how we partner with our community partner Sound Generations to bring this program to older adults across Washington.

Reducing Arthritis Pain by Improving Access to Group Exercise During COVID-19

Kushang Patel and his team collaborated with Sound Generations to adapt Enhance®Fitness to be accessible online. Now, they will partner with Y-USA to evaluate whether the online Enhance®Fitness produces similar benefits as the in-person version of the program.

Making Progress, Together

2021 calendar

Welcome to 2021. It is a new year with new possibilities. And was there ever a year where we are all so ready for the potential progress it holds? Take a look back at 2020 with us before we look ahead to what 2021 has to offer at the UW Health Promotion Research Center.

Reflecting on Our Success & Looking Forward

2020 in the sky at sunrise

The UW Health Promotion Research Center (UW HPRC) takes a look at its successes from the last five-year funding cycle and looks ahead at what to expect next.

Looking Back at 2017, Look Forward to 2018

HPRC Impact Numbers for 2017

Happy 2018! The Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC) wishes you a healthy and fulfilling new year.