PEARLS Connect Update

Hispanic couple reading printed documents together

There is strong evidence that PEARLS (Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives) is an effective model to treat late-life depression in low-income older adults with multiple chronic conditions.

Looking Back at 2017, Look Forward to 2018

HPRC Impact Numbers for 2017

Happy 2018! The Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC) wishes you a healthy and fulfilling new year.

Our Healthy Brain Research Network Student Team: What Are They Up To This Summer?

Learn about what our Healthy Brain Research Network Students are up to this summer.

Bringing Asian American Voices to the Table

In a partnership with the National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA), HPRC researchers and scholars with the UW Healthy Brain Research Network (HBRN) will be testing cognitive health promotion messages for cultural relevance.

Rapid Assessment of Physical Activity (RAPA) Ready for Download

The Health Promotion Research Center (HPRC) is excited to announce the availability of a new tool.