Health Promotion Research Center
Connect to Wellness Toolkits

Epidemics & Vaccinations Toolkit

Vaccination Promotion & Clinics

Vaccines are important and allow adults to stay healthy and keep their immune systems strong. Use the following resources to promote vaccination and immunization information with your employees.

Promoting Vaccinations & Illness Prevention

Support your employees by providing vaccination and illness prevention information for the flu, COVID-19, tetanus, diphtheria, and/or pertussis, among other illnesses (even if you can’t host a vaccination clinic).

Vaccine Promotion Resources to Share With Employees

Making the Vaccine Decision: Addressing Common Concerns
Learn about general vaccine information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help you better plan and communicate with employees. Resources are also available in Spanish.

The Adult Vaccine Assessment Tool
Individualized vaccine recommendations based on answers to a few anonymous health questions.

Adult Immunization Schedule (PDF)
These schedules from the CDC are broken down by age, medical condition, and are listed in alphabetical order. Hang one (or all!) in a break room for your employees to see expert recommendations for when they should get vaccinations.

Find a COVID-19 Vaccine Near You
Search by city, state, or zip code.

Tips for Vaccination Promotion

Regardless of whether your workplace is hosting a vaccination clinic, consider these ideas of vaccine promotion.

  • Be flexible in your human resources (HR) policies. Establish policies that allow employees to take an hour or two to get their vaccinations in the community.
  • Send out information about which vaccines your insurance covers.
    • If you’re unable to offer insurance at your workplace, share information of where to find low-cost or free vaccines.
  • Use promotional posters/flyers to advertise locations in the community that offer vaccinations. Display posters about vaccination in break rooms, cafeterias, and other high-traffic areas.
  • Post articles in company communications (i.e., newsletters, intranet, emails, portals, etc.) about the importance of vaccination and where to get the vaccine in the community.
  • Encourage vaccination for employees’ families by distributing materials for employees to take home. Here are some printable CDC materials about the flu and flu vaccination.

Informational Posters & Flyers

Make learning about vaccines and other virus prevention easy and engaging with these informative graphics and signs that can be hung in a break room or office, printed out for a resource table, and more.

Need materials in languages other than English? Vaccination resources are available in many other languages.

Vaccination Clinics at Your Workplace

Use the resources below to help you plan a vaccination clinic at your workplace, which can make vaccines more accessible for employees. Making annual vaccinations part of your workplace wellness program is a benefit to your organization and its employees.

Tips for Your Workplace Vaccination Clinic

Step 1: Planning

The planning process should also include input from management, human resources, employees, and labor representatives, as appropriate.

  • Get senior management buy-in to support a vaccination clinic at the workplace. Frame getting employees vaccinated as a business priority and create a goal aligned with this effort.
  • Identify a vaccination coordinator and/or team with defined roles and responsibilities. Occupational health personnel or workplace safety staff may lead these efforts for employers.
  • Determine if you will need to contract with an experienced outside provider for vaccination services (such as a pharmacy or community immunizer).
  • Plan to provide a comfortable and convenient location for the vaccination clinic, considering the demands of space and need for privacy.
  • Schedule the vaccination clinic to maximize employee participation. For example, flu season usually begins in the fall, so you could consider hosting your vaccination clinic(s) before the end of October.
  • Gauge need and demand among employees for vaccinations. Provide it in as many business locations as possible.
  • Ask managers and supervisors to allow employees to attend your on-site vaccination clinic as part of their workday and without having to go off of the clock.
  • Consider offering vaccinations to employees’ families.
  • If your business hosts a vaccination clinic, follow CDC guidelines and best practices. After implementing these best practices, make sure your organization signs the pledge to be recognized as an organization that follows best practices.

Step 2: Promote the Vaccination Clinic

Use the following ideas to help promote your workplace vaccination clinic.

  • Post informational materials in break rooms, cafeterias, and other high-traffic areas about the importance of flu vaccination. You can also create your own posters and flyers to advertise the date, time, and location(s) of the clinic(s). This CDC webpage provides printable materials for businesses and employers about the flu and flu vaccines.
  • Publish an article in the company communications (e.g., newsletters, intranet, emails, portals, etc.)to highlight the clinic and illness prevention.
  • Have business leadership directly share promotional materials and messages to employees, encouraging participation in the clinic. You can also encourage managers and business leaders to lead by example by signing up and/or getting vaccinated first.
  • Post about the vaccination clinics on your company’s social media channels.
  • Use incentives for vaccination to increase participation, such as offering vaccines at no or low cost, providing refreshments at the clinic, or holding a contest for the department with the highest percentage of vaccinated employees.

General Vaccination Clinic Resources

Promoting Vaccination in the Workplace
Using these CDC approved tips, learn how to encourage vaccinations at your worksite, including a guide for hosting a vaccination clinic. Hosting a vaccination clinic can improve morale and make getting vaccinated more convenient for employees. Resources are available in multiple languages.

Checklist of Best Practices for Vaccination Clinics (PDF)
If your workplace has the bandwidth and resources to host a vaccination clinic, this checklist outlines guidelines and best practices from the CDC that are essential for patient safety and vaccine effectiveness. You can also contact your local health department to help organize a drive for your workplace or connect you with other resources.

Pledge for Organizations Implementing Vaccination Clinics (PDF)
Companies seeking to hire an organization to conduct a vaccination clinic can check to see if that organization has signed the pledge and is recognized on the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit website.

Principles for Hosting a Vaccination Clinic (PDF)
This resource from the CDC and the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit serves as a reference guide for ten best practices for hosting a vaccination clinic.

This content is adapted and aggregated from U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit resources.