The NESAC/BIO MVA Toolbox contains a set of Matlab GUIs that can be used to run MVA of ToF-SIMS data.

NOTE: There are now 3 versions of the nbtoolbox 2.5 for Matlab 2006b, 2.8 for Matlab 2011b and 2.9 for Matlab 2019b. Make sure you download the correct version
From now on all development will be done in Matlab 2019b. I cannot guarantee it will run in later versions since Mathworks is constantly changing their code base.

The current release of the toolbox (v2.5b, v2.8, v2.9) contains the SPECTRAGUI for working with spectral data, the IMAGEGUI for working with Image data, and the ZCORRECTORGUI for working with 3D image depth profile data.

Follow the links below for a feature list for each GUI:

Requirements (Matlab Version):

nbtoolbox_2.5 was developed and tested in Matlab 2006b
nbtoolbox_2.8 was updated and checked out to work in Matlab 2011b (I cannot guarantee it will work in newer versions of Matlab)
nbtoolbox_2.9 was updated and checked out to work in Matlab 2019b (I cannot guarantee it will work in newer versions of Matlab)

Requirements (Standalone version):

64 bit Windows (tested in Windows 7)
Matlab runtime environment that you can download HERE.

From now on all development will be done in Matlab 2019b

The SPECTRAGUI should run on any fairly modern PC.

The IMAGEGUI and ZCORRECTORGUI also require the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox
For best performance the IMAGEGUI should be used on a high end PC. The more memory and faster CPU the better. I recommend at least 32 GB of RAM, bur more is better. The IMAGEGUI will cause Matlab to run out of memory if you import image data sets with a large number of peak images (>100 to 150 peaks). I am working on improving the performance, but this is not easy with Matlab.

I have created a series of tutorials on how to use the SPECTRAGUI here, IMAGEGUI here and the ZCORRECTORGUI here

If you are going to use the standalone version please see this tutorial NBToolbox Standalone - Important Information
The standalone program only works on 64 bit PC computers.

Please read/follow through the tutorials before asking any questions.

I have taken a lot of time to make sure that I have covered how to use each function in the toolbox
step by step in the tutorials.

To obtain a copy of the NB MVA Toolbox you must follow these steps:

1. Read and accept the licensing terms
2. Fill out the form
3. Download the software
4. Follow the installation instructions

To proceed to steps 1 and 2 follow this link