Import .bif,.bif6, or .bif3d image files (Iontof)
Import data from workspace
down bin data (can avoid Matlab memory overload for large data sets)
Correct Z-axis of depth profile data
View and rotate corrected and uncorrected data in 3D (change colormap, background color, transparency)
Create RGB overlays of either corrected or uncorrected data (2D and 3D)
Create isosurface plots (select individual intensity or a range of intensities)
Overlay isosurfaces in 3D
Isolate and view selected slices from 3D data
Set different transparency for different slices of 3D data set
Export still shots and movies of XY, XZ, and YZ slice data
Create and export movies showing rotation of 3D depth profile data sets
3D PCA (beta version. More features coming soon)
Color overlay (enables isolating individual colors or combinations of colors in 3D)

New in v2.9:
Improved 3D PCA
Unfolding 3D image stack into 2D tiled image - enables easy view of layer by layer changes
Generate depth profile curves from 3D matrix
View Line profiles across images slice by slice

Tutorials for the Zcorrectorgui can be found here:

Zcorrectorgui Tutorials

To obtain a copy of the NB MVA Toolbox you must follow these steps:

1. Read and accept the licensing terms
2. Fill out the form
3. Download the software
4. Follow the installation instructions

To proceed to steps 1 and 2 follow this link