Tag Archives: team members

32(5)Nutrition and Autism Spectrum Disorders – Part II Treating Obesity in ASD

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) one out of five school aged children is obese, a number that has tripled since the 1970s. The etiology of obesity is multi-factorial and includes not only individual biology but … Continue reading

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32(4) Nutrition and Autism Spectrum Disorders – Part I Assessment and Treatment

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopment disorders characterized by impairments in social interactions and communication. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the prevalence of autism has been increasing with an estimated 1 in 68 children affected, … Continue reading

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32(3) Nutrition and Feeding for the Premature Infant after Hospital Discharge

In the United States about 1 in 10 babies is born at less than 37 weeks gestation. The most recent data available (2015) identified preterm births accounting for 9.63% of births (approximately 383,130 infants) in the United States (US). This … Continue reading

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32(2) Nutrition and Oral Health for Children

Dental caries is the most common chronic disease of childhood. It is more prevalent than asthma, which is the second most common chronic disease. It is estimated that 17.5% of 5-19 year olds have untreated dental caries. Problems with oral … Continue reading

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31(6) Children and Weight: Providing Help, Preventing Harm Part 2 – Nutrition Intervention

Parents and caregivers receive many different messages about children, weight, and food, and it can be confusing for parents to navigate what is sound advice versus what is dangerous. How can health care providers help families and children without doing … Continue reading

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31(5) Children and Weight: Providing Help, Preventing Harm Part 1 – Nutrition Assessment

Parents and caregivers receive so many different messages about children, weight, and food, and it can be difficult and confusing to navigate for families and health care providers alike. What is sound advice? What is dangerous? How can health care … Continue reading

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31(4) A Look at Blended Tube Meals: Part 2 – The How-To’s

This issue of Nutrition Focus is the second in a two-part series about blended tube meals (BTMs). Part 1 updated a 2004 issue discussing homemade blended tube feedings. Interest has grown in the use of blended food in a tube feeding. Families are requesting … Continue reading

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31(3) A Look at Blended Tube Meals: Part 1 – An Update

In 2004, Nutrition Focus ran an article entitled “Homemade Blended Tube Feeding,” by Ellen Duperret, RD, Jude Trautlein, RD, and Marsha Dunn Klein, OTR/L, MEd. The purpose of this article is to revisit this evolving conversation and share expanding professional … Continue reading

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31(2) Increasing Energy Concentration in Infant Feedings

Energy is required by each individual’s body to sustain functions including respiration, circulation, physical work, metabolism, and protein synthesis. In children, energy is also needed for overall growth. Energy needs depend on intake and expenditure. Energy requirements and expenditure are … Continue reading

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30(5) Pediatric Malnutrition – A Look at the New Guidelines

INTRODUCTION Globally, pediatric malnutrition contributes to about half of child deaths. Historically, pediatric malnutrition has been associated with starvation only and was considered primarily to be a problem of the developing world. Identification of malnutrition has focused on the effects … Continue reading

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